Prompt k0-factors relative to chlorine and relative g-emission intensities were determined for the strong non-1/v absorbers 113Cd, 149Sm, 151Eu,155Gd and 157Gd. Measurements were performed using the SNU-KAERI prompt gamma activation analysis (PGAA) facility at the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute (KAERI). For proper experimental determination of the prompt k0-factors, the effective g-factor and cadmium ratio were taken into account, in consideration of the effects from the non-1/v capture cross section and neutron spectrum in the thermal and epithermal energy region. By using the actual spectrum of the neutron beam in this study, the effective g-factor was obtained by calculation, and the influence of epithermal neutrons on the capture rate was corrected by measuring the cadmium ratio for each non-1/v target isotope. The measured prompt k0-factors were used to check the consistency between the existing dataset of the absolute g-emission intensity and the 2200 m/s capture cross section for these isotopes.