The aim of this study was to measure the distribution and inventories of 239+240Pu, 137Cs, and excess 210Pb (210Pbexcess) in sediment core samples from brackish Lake Obuchi, which is in the vicinity of nuclear fuel facilities in Rokkasho Village, Japan. The inventory of the 239+240Pu activity in the sediment samples from the estuary of a freshwater river, the central point of the lake, and the deepest point in the lake were 0.18, 0.29, and 0.24 kBq·m–2, respectively. The inventories of 137Cs and 210Pbexcess in sediments were 0.83–1.2 kBq·m–2 and 25–30 kBq·m–2, respectively. The mean 239+240Pu/137Cs and 210Pbexcess/137Cs activity ratios were 0.23 and 28, respectively. The239+240Pu/137Cs activity ratios were approximately 13–24 times the ratio expected from global fallout. The inventories of 239+240Pu and 210Pb in sediments were higher than the inventory expected from atmospheric fallout, but the 137Cs inventory was significantly lower than expected.