The k0-standardization method (k0-NAA) is known as one of the most remarkable progresses of the NAA with its many advantages. For the application of k0-NAA method at the NAA #1 irradiation position where the neutrons are well thermalized in the HANARO research reactor, KAERI, Korea, the determination of the reactor neutron spectrum parameters such as α and f have been carried out. The measured values of α and f using the “Cd-ratio” triple monitor method were 0.127±0.022 and 1010±70, respectively. To evaluate the applicability of k0-NAA in our analytical system, the analysis of three kinds of SRMs was executed. The analytical results showed that the relative error of most of the elements was less than 10% and the U-scores were within 2. It is turned out that the procedure of the k0-NAA in the HANARO research reactor is available for a practical application in the environmental fields.