Within an extensive survey of prevalent lower and higher plants in the Azores’ islands, with a view to their monitoring potential for airborne elements at ground level, and then to an eventual use in evaluation routines for the archipelago, epiphytic lichens were collected from Cryptomeria japonica (Japanese cedar) trunks all across Terceira and Santa Maria islands. After suitable procedures, thalli samples were put through instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA; k0-variant) for elemental concentrations. Providing an overall view of micro-and trace-element levels in representative foliose-and fruticose-type species, the data of high-level elements agree generally well for genera with distinct species, with a relatively low interspecies variability. Principal-component analysis of the whole set of results discriminates clearly between two morphological factors, corresponding to foliose and fruticose species, and likely among four major origins of elemental inputs: soil/dust (two factors), sea spray and an antimony-related source. All things considered, and accounting for its availability and ubiquity, Parmotrema bangii seems an adequate choice for further lichen-based, biomonitoring campaigns in the Azores archipelago.