The distribution patterns of Classic Mimbres black-on-white bowls and jars were determined by instrumental neutron activation analysis to identify vessel movement between geographically defined regions and between villages within individual regions of southwestern New Mexico. The data set produced and utilized by the various multivariate statistical treatments included multielement neutron activation analysis results for 288 ceramic and clay samples from 15 sites in the Gila, Mimbres and Rio Grande valleys of southwest New Mexico. The results indicate that bowls were more frequently exchanged than jars and distribution frequencies between regions were lower than between villages. Two statistical approaches to the data were compared. In one, cluster analysis of the compositional data was used to form homogeneous groups and the distribution of those groups across sites and regions was examined. In the second, discriminant analysis was used to look for significant differences in composition between regions and sites. The significance of predetermining groups based on collection location as opposed to blind group formation from hierarchical cluster analysis was evaluated in terms of its potential to lead to different interpretations of the data.