Determination of 241Am/243Am ratios is required for vanous purposes including assay of Am by isotope dilution techniques. Alpha-spectrometry on electrodeposited sources is a preferred technique for this determination. However, there is an inherent problem of tail contribution which necessitates the use of suitable algorithms to account for the same. Recently, in the frame of a Coordinated Research Program (CRP) of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), WinALPHA software has been developed which is a combination of an asymmetrical Gaussian for the main part of the peak and a low energy function. Therefore, it was of interest to compare the use of this algorithm with the routinely used method, in our laboratory, based on geometric progression (G. P.) decrease. Since, there are no reference materials available commercially for 241Am/243Am ratios, synthetic mixtures covening a wide range (0.3 to 2.0) of 241Am/243Am α-activity ratios were used and un-ignited electrodeposited sources were prepared for α-spectrometry. The α-spectra obtained using PIPS detector, were evaluated using the two algonthms The 241Am/243Am α-activity ratios obtained were also compared with those determined by thermal ionization mass spectrometry (TIMS). An agreement of about 1% was obtained in the 241Am/243Am ratios determined by the two methods and also by using the two algorithms for α-spectrum evaluation.