An extended U/Pb-assembly was irradiated with an extracted beam of 2.52 GeV deuterons from the Nuclotron accelerator of the Laboratory of High Energies within the JINR in Dubna, Russia. The lay-out of this experiment and first results are reported. The Pb-target (diameter 8.4 cm, length 45.6 cm) is surrounded by a natU-blanket (206.4 kg) and used for transmutation studies of hermetically sealed radioactive samples of 129I, 237Np, 238Pu and 239Pu. Estimates of transmutation rates were obtained as result of measurements of gamma-activities of the samples. Information about the spatial and energy distribution of neutrons in the volume of the lead target and the uranium blanket was obtained with sets of activation threshold detectors (Al, Y and Au) and solid state nuclear track detectors (SSNTD). An electronic 3He neutron detector was tested on-line. A comparison of experimental data with theoretical model calculations using the MCNPX program was performed yielding satisfactory results.