together with the model for excess acid extraction developed by AGUILAR and HÖGFELDT, the only unknown quantity is the equilibrium
constant for the reaction above since the stability constants for the formation of the Hg(II)-CT-complexes are also well known.
Using distribution data for HgCl2 (tracer) between HCl-solutions and benzene Eq. (2) gets further support as being a useful expression for the activity coefficient
of Cl− in solutions more concentrated than ≈0.6M. Some scouting experiments about the extraction of HgCl2 from NaCl brines containing 270 g NaCl/l showed that in the pH-range 1–13 the best extraction was obtained at about pH 1–2
irrespective if the diluent was benzene, o-xylene or a mixture of kerosene and benzene.