The possibilities of using a computer to optimize the conditions of gamma-activation analysis are considered. Criteria of optimum conditions are formulated. The optimization program is constructed of the following operations being automatically performed: (1) determination of a list of isotopes and their gamma-lines formed during the interaction between the activating bremsstrahlung and the substance whose elemental composition elements to be analyzed plus matrix is preliminarily given; (2) optimization of the analysis time regimes and the value of the maximum energy of the activating bremsstrahlung; (3) choice of a gamma-line of the isotope of an element to be analyzed by which the quantitative determination of this element is expedient. For these purposes a catalogue of nuclear-physical constants (half-lives and energies which was compiled from published data tables of gamma-line outputs obtained experimentally under standardized conditions for different values of the maximum energy of the bremsstrahlung as well as mathematical models of the monoenergetic gamma-ray spectra) has been used.