Two types of raw materials, original kaolin sand OKS I and OKS II were used for experiment. They were transformed (1 h at 650 °C with 10 °C/min temperature increase) to burnt kaolin sand (BKS I and BKS II) with pozzolanic properties. Contents of decisive mineral—metakaolinite—in BKSs are as follows: BKS I (fraction below 0.06 mm) 20%; BKS II (fraction below 0.06 mm) 36% and BKS II (fraction below 0.1 mm) 31% by mass. Mortars with blends of Portland cement (PC) and BKS were prepared announced as: MK I (0.06) with 5 and 10% cement substitution by metakaolinite; MK II (0.06) with 5 and 10% cement substitution by metakaolinite and MK II (0.1) with 5, 10, 15 and 20% cement substitution by metakaolinite. The reference mortar with 100% of PC was made for comparison. All mortars were adjusted on the constant workability 180 ± 5 mm flow. Besides significant increase in compressive strengths—the refinement of pore structure in mortars with BKS connected with decreases in permeability and Ca(OH)2 content were revealed. The above facts confirm pozzolanic reaction of BKS in contact with hydrated PC and indicate perceptiveness of BKS for the use in cement-based systems as a pozzolanic addition.