Conductometric and calorimetric titrations of Extremely Diluted Solutions (EDS) were performed by adding HCl or NaOH solutions. The aim of this study is to obtain further confirmation of the hypothesized presence, in the EDS, of molecular aggregates of water molecules. The measurements on the EDS evidenced some relevant differences compared to those on solutions with just water as solvent. The conductivity and the pH caused by adding the titrant, namely NaOH or HCl, were markedly different to those of the control solutions. We suppose that the preparation procedure of the EDS could produce non-equilibrium changes in the supramolecular structure of water. The experimental results were interpreted by considering the interactions that can take place between the OH− or H3O+ and the hypothesized molecular aggregates of water molecules i.e. dissipative structures. A comparison was made about the nature of the driving force that leads to the formation of the complexes between the two ions deriving from probes and the molecular aggregates of water molecules (dissipative structures). In this study, we have determined the thermodynamic parameters of association between molecular aggregates of water molecules (dissipative structures) in the EDS and OH− or H3O+ probe ions. The experimental results were interpreted by considering a favorable interaction between the H3O+ and OH− ions and the dissipative structures, due, probably, to steric hindrance and chemical affinity with the aggregates.
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