A microcalorimetric method was applied to study microbial soil activity of ornamental flower (Dahlia pinnata) plantations when irrigated with potable water and wastewaters. The samples were irrigated with potable water PW sample (reference) and treated wastewaters from Municipal Wastewater Treatment Station of Asa Norte in Brasilia City (Brazil). Three different water treatments were applied to irrigate soil samples, named TW1, TW2, and TW3 samples. The increase of the microbial soil activity observed in TW1 sample must have occurred because of the high amount of organic waste dissolved in wastewater used for irrigation. This rise indicates that the present treated wastewater can affect natural life cycle. However, only a low alteration in microbial soil activity was observed in the TW2 and TW3 samples, which suggests that these wastewater treatments can be normally used to irrigate soils without bringing environmental consequences, once they offer a great opportunity to upgrade and protect the environment.
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