Thermal and thermochemical investigations of natural hydroxyl-bearing copper sulfate Cu3SO4(OH)4—antlerite have been carried out. The stages of its thermal decomposition have been studied employing the Fourier-transform IR spectroscopy. The enthalpy of formation of antlerite from the elements ΔfHmo (298.15 K) = (−1750 ± 10) kJ mol−1 has been determined by the method of oxide melt solution calorimetry. Using value of Smo (298.15 K), equal to (263.46 ± 0.47) J K−1mol−1, obtained earlier by the method of adiabatic calorimetry, the Gibbs energy value of ΔfGmo (298.15 K) = (−1467 ± 10) kJ mol−1 has been calculated.
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