This study aims to analyze thermal stability and make a rheological assessment of sunflower oil produced in the Northeast of Brazil, resulting from the pyrolysis process. Oil samples were submitted to thermal degradation and the reaction was evaluated by the thermogravimetric technique, at temperatures between 30 and 900 °C. Apparent activation energy was determined using the model-free kinetics theory. The coaxial cylinder system at operating temperature of 40 °C was used to obtain rheological parameters. Oil was characterized by gas chromatography. The lipid profile of the oil exhibited good quality. The activation energy of the sunflower oil was 201.2 kJ mol−1. Results showed the influence of physical–chemical characteristics of vegetable oil on the thermal decomposition process. Rheological analyses confirmed Newtonian rheological behavior. The high potential of the “Catissol” variety produced in Northeast Brazil as raw material for biofuel production using pyrolysis was also demonstrated.
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