ADSC with its periodical temperature programs combines the features of DSC measured at high heating rate (high sensitivity) with those at low heating rate (high temperature resolution). In addition, the “reversing” cp effects can be separated from the “non-reversing” latent heat effects. Various periodical temperature programs can be applied. This paper compares the different possible temperature programs and their algorithms for the cp determination for metal, metal oxide and polymer of various properties. Simulated and measured results for various wave shapes and samples are presented. The relevant sample properties and their influence on the measurements are identified and guiding rules for the proper choice of the various experimental parameters are given. Measurements with different samples, performed with the new METTLER TOLEDO STARe-System, are shown and compared with the simulation results. The simulations and the measurements clearly show that the alternating techniques can yield new information about sample properties, but are susceptible to the proper choice of the various experimental parameters.