Heat capacities (Cp) of solid benzene, biphenyl,p-terphenyl,p-quaterphenyl, and poly-p-phenylene were analyzed using the ATHAS Scheme of computation. The calculated heat capacities based on approximate vibrational spectra of solid benzene and the series of oligomers containing additional phenylene groups were compared to experimental data newly measured and from the literature to identify possible additional large-amplitude motion. The skeletal heat capacity was fitted to the Tarasov equation to obtain the one- and three-dimensional vibration frequencies Θ1 and Θ3 using a new optimization approach. Their relationship to the number of phenylene groupsn is: Θ1=426.0−150.3/n; and Θ3=55.4+81.8/n. Except for benzene, the quantitative thermal analyses do not show significant contributions from large-amplitude motion below the melting temperatures.