The thermodynamic energy relationship between two crystal modifications of cimetidine was investigated and compared with differences in their processing properties with respect to transformation from one modification to the other.The crystal energies of the two modifications A and D were found to be almost identical and therefore the polymorphs are regarded as virtually isoenergetic crystals. This statement is based on DSC measurements of the melting points and of the enthalpies of fusion for the two crystal forms, which enable the calculation of the Gibbs free energy functions. Furthermore, the statement is supported by measurements of the enthalpies of solution in two different solvents. Both DSC and solution experiments reveal a slightly higher stability of the D modification with respect to the A form. In addition, tribomechanical treatment also indicates modification D to be the more stable one, as well as the higher density of the D form. No transformation during DSC at low heating rate was found which could be used in a stability consideration.As the explicit crystal structures of the two modifications are resolved, it was possible to calculate crystal energies theoretically as well. The theoretical results showed a remarkable difference in the crystal energies at zero degree Kelvin. Furthermore, they were just contradicting experimental findings by stating A being more stable than D. Possible reasons for this discrepancy and the feasibility of today's calculation methods with respect to prediction of stability properties are discussed.