According to the theoretical basis of thermokinetics, the integral and differential thermokinetic equations of opposing reactions have been derived, and a novel thermokinetic research method, the characteristic parameter method for opposing reactions which taking place in a batch conduction calorimeter under isothermal condition, has been proposed in this paper. Only needing the characteristic thermoanalytical data corresponding to tm and 2tm from the same curve, the rate constants of forward and backward reactions and equilibrium constant can be calculated simultaneously with this method. In order to test the validity of this method, the proton-transfer reactions of nitroethane with ammonia at 15 and 25°C, and with trihydroxymethyl aminomethane (Tris) at 15 and 30°C have been studied, respectively. The results of rate constants and equilibrium constants calculated with this method are in agreement with those in the literature. Therefore, the characteristic parameter method for opposing reaction is believed to be correct.