Summary In this work, the PVT properties have been object of study. In particular, the experimental work was performed both in the two-phase region and in the superheated vapor region phase by means of two different methods: the isochoric and the Burnett methods. The isochoric measurements were carried out at temperatures from 219 to 354 K and at pressures from 550 up to 5400 kPa. A total of 95 points, both in the two phases and in the superheated vapor region were obtained. For the Burnett measurements, in total, 14 runs along 7 isotherms in a pressure range from 170 to 5200 kPa were performed. The second and third virial coefficients were derived and a good consistency was found after comparison with other literature sources in the reduced temperature range of interest (0.9<Tr<1.2).