Summary Densities at 298.15 K and atmospheric pressure have been measured, using a DMA 4500 Anton Paar densimeter, for the ternary mixture methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)+1-pentanol+decane and for the involved binary mixtures MTBE+1-pentanol and 1-pentanol+decane. The excess molar volumes for the binary mixture MTBE+decane was reported in an earlier work [1]. In addition, excess molar volumes were determined from the densities of the pure liquids and mixtures. Suitable fitting equations have been used in order to correlate adequately the excess molar volumes. The empirical expressions of Kohler [18], Jacob and Fitzner [19], Colinet [20], Knobeloch and Schwartz [21], Tsao and Smith [22], Toop [23], Scatchard et al. [24], Hillert [25], Mathieson and Thynne [26] were applied to estimate ternary properties from binary results.