Statins are a group of lipoproteins that are used in medicine to treat the high cholesterol level. The effectiveness of statins in reducing the cholesterol level is significant and in long time scale the reduction of the cholesterol level helps to avoid the incidence of degenerative diseases. Simvastatin and lovastatin are belonging to the ‘statins’ family, one of the pharmacologic groups used in the control of dislipidemy. The objective of this work is the thermal stability and kinetic study of the active forms of simvastatin and lovastatin. Thermal data indicated that lovastatin and simvastatin are stable up to 190 and 170°C in air and up to 205 and 203°C in nitrogen, respectively. For melting temperatures DSC curves showed good correlation with the literature data. Comparing the activation energies of the statins at heating rate of 10°C min–1, lovastatin is more stable than simvastatin under the applied experimental conditions.