The essay contextualizes the theory of culture of the philosopher, sociologist, novelist and intellectual Abdelkebir Khatibi in theories of ‘Francophony’ and ‘Post-Coloniality’ which de Toro develops further, proposing a model about hybridity on the basis of some central epistemologies as the “End of the Logos”, the “End of Meta-Discourses”, the “Decentration of the Subject”. Hybridity is defined as “the emphasizing of the difference by simultaneous recognition of the difference of the other in a common territory that all the time has to be inhabited all over again”. In order to avoid the terminological labyrinth related to the concept of hybridity, de Toro offers a first model for a classification of the different levels on which hybridity can be thought and applied, and he distinguishes between eight different fields or levels for locating hybridity: (1) Hybridity as a epistemological category or as a category of philosophy of sciences; (2) as a theoretical/methodological category; (3) as a category of cultural theory, as the strategy to manage with different cultural, ethnical and religious groups; (4) as transmedial category, the use of various media, systems of signs; (5) as an urban category, as form and different types of organisation, plurality of products and heterogeneous objects, such as art, city culture, architecture, companies, ecology, nature, societies, politics, life styles; (6) as territory of the body; (7) as technology (natural sciences: i.e. molecular biology; medicine: micro artificial limbs, virtual surgery; industries: engines with hybrid drive), and (8) as transtextuality. The second part of the essay offers a new concept of Francophony as an “espace éclaté”, as a hybrid and fundamentally plural and anti-hierarchically cartography. The third part of the essay is dedicated to Khatibi’s concepts of the pensée autre and the double critique as well of the corps, désir, androgynéité, migration et le bi-langue.