Boris N. Kuznetsov Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology SB RAS, 42 K. Marx, Krasnoyarsk 660049, Russia
Siberian Federal University, 79 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk 660041, Russia

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Svetlana A. Kuznetsova Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology SB RAS, 42 K. Marx, Krasnoyarsk 660049, Russia
Siberian Federal University, 79 Svobodny, Krasnoyarsk 660041, Russia

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Vladimir G. Danilov Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology SB RAS, 42 K. Marx, Krasnoyarsk 660049, Russia

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Olga V. Yatsenkova Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology SB RAS, 42 K. Marx, Krasnoyarsk 660049, Russia

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Andrey V. Petrov Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technology SB RAS, 42 K. Marx, Krasnoyarsk 660049, Russia

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A green one-step catalytic process of obtaining microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) from wood in the medium “acetic acid–hydrogen peroxide–water” in the presence 2% wt. sulfuric acid catalyst is described. The influence of wood nature and conditions of the process on the yield, composition and structure of obtained samples of MCC was investigated. For hardwood (aspen wood and birch wood) the minimal content of residual lignin (<1% wt.) was achieved under the following conditions: temperature 130 °C, the concentration of H2O2 4% wt., the concentration of CH3COOH ∼ 26% wt., liquor ratio of 10 and the process time of 3 h. At these conditions, the degree of delignification of softwood (spruce wood and larch wood) is lower than for hardwood. According to X-ray and FTIR data, the structure of MCC samples obtained from wood is close to that of MCC Avicel and MCC from cotton linter.

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Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis
Language English
Size B5
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Founder Akadémiai Kiadó
H-1117 Budapest, Hungary 1516 Budapest, PO Box 245.
Publisher Akadémiai Kiadó
Springer Nature Switzerland AG
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CH-6330 Cham, Switzerland Gewerbestrasse 11.
Chief Executive Officer, Akadémiai Kiadó
ISSN 1878-5190 (Print)
ISSN 1878-5204 (Online)