The S&T indicators activity is first described as a complex process involving a variety of functions, capabilities and institutions; this provides a framework to assess the S&T indicators activity in a country or, more generally, in a research system. Then, the main features of the S&T indicators scene in Europe are presented: regarding the countries, the diversity of the institutional settings and the growing potentials is stressed; among countries, at European level, the important and original role of the European Commission in the dynamics of the S&T indicators activites in Europe is presented; finally, it is argued that the European scene consists of a diversity of research groups which are in competition and collaboration, sharing a number of intellectual concerns and orientations. The perspectives for S&T indicators activity in the EU countries are defined by the greater quantity of source data, by the conceptual advances regarding the S&T system and by the new needs of the decision-makers. In conclusion, some alternative scenarios are suggested.