The main purpose of this study was to evaluate the global progress and quantitative assessment of current research trends on family therapy, using a bibliometric approach and exploring related literature in the Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) database from 1992 to 2009. This study used the bibliometric arrropach to learn about the subject categories, core journals, top countries and leading research institutes in publication, most frequently used author keywords, and most frequently used KeyWords Plus. Also, this study used a “word cluster analysis” method to locate research hot topics. A majority of the subject categories were located in clinical psychology and family studies. The core journals for family therapy located in Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, Contemporary Family Therapy, and Journal of Family Therapy. The US ranked as the top country of world articles with the highest h-index, followed distantly by the UK and Germany. The leading research institutes were Purdue University, University of Miami, and Brigham Young University. “Adolescents” and “adolescent” were highly used words in article titles. Next, the top three most frequently used author keywords were “anorexia nervosa”, “adolescents”, and “psychotherapy”. Finally, the top three most frequently used KeyWords Plus were “psychotherapy”, “children”, and “intervention”. Based on “word cluster analysis” to determine the research hotspots, the research hot topics of family therapy fall into three categories: treated subjects, treated matters, and treatment issues. The research trend in family therapy seems to involve the therapist often treating adolescents or children for eating disorders, substance abuse, depression, or schizophrenia. During treatment or therapy, therapists and researchers must pay attention to the issues of gender, training, and therapeutic alliance.
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