Several studies have reported positive correlations between women's own attractiveness and their mate preferences. A recent study also reported a similar correlation between men's mate preferences and their own self-rated attractiveness. Surprisingly, however, relatively little is known about the relationship between measures of own condition and men's and women's attractiveness judgments of same-sex individuals. Here, we investigated how men's and women's self-rated attractiveness and selfrated sex-typicality predict their preferences for exaggerated sex-typical shape cues in both same-sex and opposite-sex faces. Our findings provide further support for models of condition-dependent mate preferences in both women and men; people who judged themselves as more attractive had stronger preferences for exaggerated sex-typical shape cues in opposite-sex faces. Additionally, we show a novel relationship between self-rated sex-typicality and perceptions of same-sex, but not opposite-sex, faces; people who judged themselves as possessing more exaggerated sex-typical traits had stronger preferences for exaggerated sex-typical shape cues in same-sex faces. While self-rated attractiveness appears to be an important predictor of men's and women's preferences for potential mates, self-rated sex-typicality appears to be a more important predictor of men's and women's preferences for potential social allies.
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F. G. Smith B. C. Jones L. M. Debruine 2010 Individual differences in empathizing and systemizing predict variation in face preferences Personality and Individual Differences 49 655 658.
F. G. Smith B. C. Jones L. L. M. Welling A. C. Little J. Vukovic J. C. Main L. M. Debruine 2009 Waist-hip ratio, but not BMI, influences women's preferences for masculine male faces Personality and Individual Differences 47 476 480.
J. Vukovic B. C. Jones L. M. Debruine D. R. Feinberg F. G. Smith A. C. Little L. L. M. Welling J. C. Main 2010 Women's own voice pitch predicts their preferences for masculinity in men's voices Behavioral Ecology 21 767 772.
C. D. Watkins B. C. Jones L. M. Debruine 2010 Individual differences in dominance perception: Dominant men are less sensitive to facial cues of male dominance Personality and Individual Differences 49 967 971.
C. D. Watkins L. M. Debruine A. C. Little D. R. Feinberg P. J. Fraccaro B. C. Jones 2011 Perceptions of partner femininity predict individual differences in men's sensitivity to facial cues of male dominance Journal of Evolutionary Psychology 9 69 82.
C. D. Watkins M. Quist F. G. Smith L. M. Debruine B. C. Jones 2012 Individual differences in women's perceptions of other women's dominance European Journal of Personality 26 79 86.
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