In the treatment of obesity, the introduction of a low-calorie diet is a fundamental requirement. The enhancement of the fiber content of food causing satiety may contribute to the observation of dietary prescriptions. Oligofructoses belong to the group of dietary fibers. Aim: To study the effects of the consumption of a low-energy diet (2,000 kcal/day) completed with Jerusalem artichoke concentrate in obese adolescents and adults. Methods: 12 obese students (6 boys and 6 girls) and 6 obese women were put on a low-calorie regimen for 12 weeks, whereas 16 obese students (10 boys and 6 girls) and 17 obese women consumed the same low-calorie diet also completed with Jerusalem artichoke concentrate containing 14 g/day oligofructose. The sensation of fullness was estimated. In addition to anthropometric parameters, serum biomarkers of lipid and carbohydrate metabolism and adipokines were determined. Results: The consumption of the low-calorie diet completed with Jerusalem artichoke concentrate resulted in a diminished sensation of hunger. The body mass index and body fat percentage decreased significantly. In girls and women, the serum levels of triglyceride also significantly reduced and the rate of insulin resistance (IR) estimated on the basis of homeostasis model assessment also improved. Conclusions: The results of this pilot study appear to demonstrate that the Jerusalem artichoke concentrate produced by a new technology can be a promising component of future diet therapy.
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