To assess the efficacy and safety of laser-assisted percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI) in an unselected population.
One hundred consecutive patients, who underwent a laser assisted PCI between January 2008 and March 2012, were included in the present study. Fifty-one patients underwent laser ablation for thrombus vaporization (Group 1), 36 patients for neointima/plaque debulking (Group 2) and 13 patients for lesion compliance modification in calcified lesions (Group 3).
The rate of in-hospital serious events was 2%. The cumulative laser success was 82%, and it was significantly higher for Group 1 and Group 2 in comparison with Group 3 (p=0.001). Furthermore, the need for repeat revascularization was significantly higher in the Group 3 compared with the others two groups (46% vs. 8% for Group 1 and 11% for Group 2, p=0.03). The MACE rate was 14%. There was a trend toward a higher MACE rate in the Group 3 compared with others two groups (p=0.05).
Laser ablation is an effective and safe tool for complex PCI. Patients underwent laser for thrombus vaporization or for neointima/plaque debulking had better immediate success and better outcome at follow-up than patients underwent laser for lesion compliance modification.
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