D. R. Nielsen and O. Wendroth. 2003. Spatial and Temporal Statistics. sampling Field Soil and their Vegetation. Castena Verlag, Reiskirchen, Germany. 416 pages, many illustrations. Paperback. ISBN 3-923381-46-6. Price: 50 EUR. Y. Gutterman. 2002. Survival Strategies of Annual Desert Plants (Adaptations of Desert Organisms). xx + 348 pages. Springer-Verlag, Belin, Heidelberg, New York. Hardcover. ISBN: 3-540-43172-1. Price: 159 EUR. P. S. Johnson, S. R. Shifley and R. Rogers. 2002. The Ecology and Silviculture of Oak. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK. 503 pages. Hardback. ISBN 0 85199 570 5. Price: 85 GBP, 149 USD. J. Belnap and O.L. Lange (eds.). 2003. Biological Soil Crusts: Structure, Function and Management (Ecological Studies, Vol. 150). 1st edition, revised 2nd printing. xviii + 503 pages. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York. Softcover. ISBN: 3-540-43757-6. Price: 49.95 EUR.