Available only in print. Until 2020, Acta Historiae Artium was published in print only, with basic information on its contents accessible on the website. Online articles have been available since Volume 62 (2021).
The Didymus-Corvina in the New York Pierpont Morgan Library was illuminated for King Matthias Corvinus of Hungary in the workshop of Gherardo and Monte di Giovanni. The analysis of both frontispiece and text of the codex proves that in the background of the redaction of the book there were the events on the 1437–39 Council of Ferrara and Florence. Its program and contents were determined by the philosophical circle of Florentine neoplatonists of the second half of the 15th century as well as by Italian humanists in the service of the Buda court. The illumination makes use of the repertory of Florentine self-repesentation for the purpose of symbolic power representation of the Hungarian ruler.