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The Author turns back to a dating of the Tomb of St. Marguerite, represented by numerous fragments found on site in the ruins of the Dominican Nuns'convent on the Danube Island near Buda, to the late 13th century, about the middle of the 1270ies. He returns to the main source, to the witness by the Vicar Michael OFP in 1276 in the canonisation process of the Saint, about the work by the Lombards Albert and Peter. He rejects the thesis about the attribution to a Neapolitan follower of Tino di Camaino, accepted by actual Hungarian art history, and proposes a comparison with followers of Nicola Pisano, mainly Arnolfo di Cambio. The Lombardian stylistic characteristics of the marble fragments of Buda are compared with works by Fra Guglielmo and with Genuese works of the Campionesi.
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