Hungarian economy adapting to accelerated globalisation has to meet world-economic challenges on several levels. The development and international competitiveness of certain national economies depend not least on the extent to which they can realise advantages stemming from FDI inflow and operation, especially that of TNCs. It can be judged only by analysis based on empirical facts whether how much TNCs contribute to the internal development of a national economy, how much they can promote its internal integration (development of connections among sectors), how much they contribute to the manifestation of pulling effects, to what extent they improve the economy's capital endowment, financial resources; what new management skills, organisational and marketing knowledge, new technology, information, market and selling opportunities they provide; how much they contribute to the efficiency improvement of products, services and labour; that is - in sum - to what extent they further the improvement of the competitiveness of countries - that of Hungary and Mexico in the certain case.
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