Géza Jeszenszky Corvinus University of Budapest Institute for International Studies Hungary

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Hungary seems to have almost perennial dilemmas about the course to be taken in its foreign policy. Attempts by powerful empires (the German, the Habsburg, the Ottoman and the Russian empires) to dominate the country led to loss of independence from the 16 th to the 20 th century, and full sovereignty has been regained only in 1991 with the seizure of Soviet occupation. The relations with the peoples living next to or intermingled with the Hungarians have also been always difficult because of the conflicting claims to identical territories. Following the collapse of Communism there was the danger of the renewal of hostilities with those neighbours, either by opening the issue of border change, or related to the (mis)treatment of close to three million Hungarians detached from Hungary by the Peace Treaty imposed in 1920. The restraint of the Hungarian government led by J. Antall, the creation of cooperative mechanisms exemplified by the Visegrád Cooperation, and the conduct of the Euro-Atlantic partners, including measures adopted for the protection of national minorities, explain why Central Europe did not become the scene of violence which characterised the Balkans in the 1990s.

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  • Antall, J. (1994): Modell és valóság [Model and reality]. Vol. II. Budapest: Athenaeum Nyomda Rt., pp. 18 and 34.

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  • Balogh, S. (1988): Magyarország külpolitikája, 1945–1950 [The foreign policy of Hungary, 1945–1990]. Budapest: Kossuth Könyvkiadó.

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  • Bibó, I. (1946): A magyar békeszerződés [The Hungarian Peace Treaty]. In: Válogatott tanulmányok [Selected Essays]. Vol II. Budapest: Magvető Könyvkiadó, 1986, pp. 294–295.

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  • Brunner, G. (1996): Nationality Problem and Minority Conflicts in Eastern Europe . Gütersloh.

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  • Chaszar, E. (1999): The International Problem of National Minorities . Toronto-Buffalo.

  • Document of the Conference... (1990): Document of the Conference on the Human Dimension of the CSCE, 29 June 1990, Copenhagen.

  • Dunay, P. (2004): Hungarian Foreign Policy in the Era of Transition, 1990–2004. Foreign Policy Review , 2(1): 196–216.

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  • Gecse, G. (2002): Állam és nemzet a rendszerváltás után [State and nation after the change of the system]. Budapest: Kairosz.

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  • Hungary (1989): The Constitution of the Republic of Hungary: ‘Lectric Law Library’. int05.htm/

  • Illyés, E. (1982): National Minorities in Romania . Boulder, Colo.

  • Jeszenszky, G. (1991): Minister for Foreign Affairs G. Jeszenszky to H. van den Broek, Foreign Minister of the Netherlands and Chairman of the EC, November 15, 1991.

  • Jeszenszky, G. (1993): Hungary’s Foreign Policy Dilemmas. The Hungarian Quarterly , 34(Summer): 3–13.

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  • Jeszenszky, G. (1996): Hungary’s Bilateral Treaties with the Neighbours. Ethnos-Nation , 1996/1–2: 123–128.

  • Jeszenszky, G. (1997a): More Bosnias? National and Ethnic Tensions in the Post-communist World. East European Quarterly , 31(3): 283–299.

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  • Jeszenszky, G. (1997b): The Atlantic Ideals and Hungary. In: Foreign Policy , pp. 125–130.

  • Jeszenszky, G. (2000): Magyarország kétoldalú szerződései a szomszédos országokkal és a kisebbségi kérdés [Hungary’s bilateral treaties with the neighbouring countries and the issue of national minorities]. In: Ars boni et aequi. Tanulmányok az ezredvég nemzetközi rendszeréről Bokorné Szegő Hanna 75. születésnapjára . Budapest: BKÁE Nemzetközi Kapcsolatok Tanszék, pp. 450–469.

    Jeszenszky G. , '', in Ars boni et aequi. Tanulmányok az ezredvég nemzetközi rendszeréről Bokorné Szegő Hanna 75. születésnapjára , (2000 ) -.

  • Joó, R. — Ludanyi, A. (eds) (1994): The Hungarian Minority’s Situation in Ceausescu’s Romania . New York: Columbia University Press.

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  • Kovács, P. (2000): International Law and Minority Protection . Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó.

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  • Macartney, C. A. (1937): Hungary and Her Successors. The Treaty of Trianon and its Consequences 1919–1937 . Oxford.

  • Mandelbaum, M. (ed.) (2000): The New European Diasporas. National Minorities and Conflict in Eastern Europe . New York: Council on Foreign Relations Press.

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  • Nagy, B. (1996): Divert or Preserve the Danube? Answers “in conrete” — a Hungarian Perspective on the Gabcikovo-Nagymaros Dam Dispute. Review of European Community and International Environmental Law , 1996/2: 138–144.

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  • Schöpflin, Gy. (1993): Hungary and its Neighbours. Chaillot Paper 7. Paris.

  • Várdy, S. B. — Tooley, T. H. (eds) (2003): Ethnic Cleansing in Twentieth Century Europe . New York: Columbia University Press.

    '', in Ethnic Cleansing in Twentieth Century Europe , (2003 ) -.

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Editor-in-chief: Balázs SZENT-IVÁNYI


  • Péter MARTON (Corvinus University, Budapest)
  • István KÓNYA (Corvinus University, Budapest)
  • László SAJTOS (The University of Auckland)
  • Gábor VIRÁG (University of Toronto)

Associate Editors:

  • Tamás BOKOR (Corvinus University, Budapest)
  • Sándor BOZÓKI (Corvinus University Budapest)
  • Bronwyn HOWELL (Victoria University of Wellington)
  • Hintea CALIN (Babeş-Bolyai University)
  • Christian EWERHART (University of Zürich)
  • Clemens PUPPE (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
  • Zsolt DARVAS (Bruegel)
  • Szabina FODOR (Corvinus University Budapest)
  • Sándor GALLAI (Corvinus University Budapest)
  • László GULÁCSI (Óbuda University)
  • Dóra GYŐRFFY (Corvinus University Budapest)
  • György HAJNAL (Corvinus University Budapest)
  • Krisztina KOLOS (Corvinus University Budapest)
  • Alexandra KÖVES (Corvinus University Budapest)
  • Lacina LUBOR (Mendel University in Brno)
  • Péter MEDVEGYEV (Corvinus University Budapest)
  • Miroslava RAJČÁNIOVÁ (Slovak University of Agriculture)
  • Ariel MITEV (Corvinus University Budapest)
  • Éva PERPÉK (Corvinus University Budapest)
  • Petrus H. POTGIETER (University of South Africa)
  • Sergei IZMALKOV (MIT Economics)
  • Anita SZŰCS (Corvinus University Budapest)
  • László TRAUTMANN (Corvinus University Budapest)
  • Trenton G. SMITH (University of Otago)
  • György WALTER (Corvinus University Budapest)
  • Zoltán CSEDŐ (Corvinus University Budapest)
  • Zoltán LŐRINCZI (Ministry of Human Capacities)

Society and Economy
Institute: Corvinus University of Budapest
Address: Fővám tér 8. H-1093 Budapest, Hungary
Phone: (36 1) 482 5406

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CiteScore 1.5
CiteScore rank Q2 (Sociology and Political Science)
SNIP 0.496
SJR index 0.243
SJR Q rank Q3

Society and Economy
Publication Model Gold Open Access
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Society and Economy
Language English
Size B5
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Founder Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem
H-1093 Budapest, Hungary Fővám tér 8.
Publisher Akadémiai Kiadó
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ISSN 1588-9726 (Print)
ISSN 1588-970X (Online)