The article covers the issue of ecological security in Poland with a view to international regulation, the objectives of which are pursued at the municipality level, i.e., the basic unit of local government. It is in local areas and at the source of any threat that a rapid response is often needed to eliminate environmental pollution and its effects. Accordingly, the municipal authorities have been equipped with a number of powers enabling them to take action for environmental safety. It should be assumed as a research hypothesis that, in terms of activities in the sphere of ecological security, a municipal authority is a body that complements the activities of the state resulting from EU obligations and other higher-level local government units and that these activities are aimed at issues closest to individuals. The study is characterised by a legal theory-based approach. The main research method used in the study is the doctrinal method, as well as the method of legal text analysis. It mainly draws on theoretical views presented in legal studies and those offered in case law practice.
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