Sleep Spindles & Cortical Up States (SSCUS) has been discontinued.
Sleep Spindles & Cortical Up States (SSCUS) is an open-access, peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary journal publishing research on all aspects of sleep spindles and/or cortical as well as thalamic up/down states. We are committed to thorough, single blind review of the manuscripts by two reviewers. In order to ensure rapid publication, the first review of the manuscripts is ensured within 4 weeks after submission. Methodologically sound papers on specific research devoted to sleep spindles and/or thalamocortical up/down states, including reports on both novel findings/ideas and complementary tests of existing results are welcome.
We are dedicated to promoting methodologically solid science and eliminating publication bias. Therefore, in our editorial decisions the methodological quality of your research takes precedence over how strong or novel your results are. In line with this editorial philosophy, our journal welcomes non-significant results and replication attempts, as long as research was conducted with convincing statistical power and sound methodology.