The purpose was to determine the possible effects of exercise and/or caffeine on hypoglycemia and liver gluconeogenesis in diabetic rats. These were divided into four subgroups: (a) intraperitoneal insulin only, (b) exercise bout before insulin, (c) caffeine after insulin, and (d) exercise bout before and caffeine after insulin. The marked glycemic drop 45 min after insulin (0 min = 229.00, 45 min = 75.75) was considerably reduced (p < 0.05) by caffeine or exercise (45 min: exercise = 127.00, caffeine = 104.78). However, this systemic effect was lost (p > 0.05) when they were combined (45 min: exercise + caffeine = 65.44) (Mean, in mg·dL−1). Caffeine alone strongly inhibited liver glucose production from 2 mM lactate 45 min after insulin (without caffeine = 3.05, with caffeine = 0.27; p < 0.05), while exercise + caffeine partially re-established the liver gluconeogenic capacity (exercise + caffeine = 1.61; p < 0.05 relative to the other groups) (Mean, in μmol·g−1). The improved hypoglycemia with caffeine or exercise cannot be explained by their actions on liver gluconeogenesis. As their beneficial effect disappeared when they were combined, such association in diabetic patients should be avoided during the period of hyperinsulinemia due to the risk of severe hypoglycemia.
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