Recent excavation and sampling in the upper part of the Felsőörs section (Balaton Highland, Hungary) yielded important ammonoid findings, identified as belonging to the genera Nevadites, Chieseiceras, Eoprotrachyceras and Falsanolcites. Several specimens of Chieseiceras chiesense were found in a dm-thick clay layer with limestone nodules, regarded as the equivalent of the “Chiesense Groove“ of the Bagolino and other sections in the Giudicarie area (North Italy). The immediately overlying limestone bed yielded Eoprotrachyceras cf. curionii and Falsanolcites cf. rieberi. Together these reliably prove the base of the Curionii Zone, corresponding to the base of the Ladinian Stage, the GSSP of which was recently established at Bagolino. The new data further improved the excellent correlation between the ammonoid records of the Felsőörs section and the Global Stratotype Section at Bagolino. Felsőörs may be considered the most important reference section for the Anisian to Ladinian boundary interval.
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