Correlation of scattered ignimbrite occurrences is crucial in the context of stratigraphy and the volcanic history of an area. In 2007, two papers were published concerning the classification of the volcanic rocks of the Bükkalja volcanic field. The interpretation of these papers shows an apparent contradiction in the age of the ignimbrite, which crops out at Tibolddaróc and Harsány. This paper attempts to resolve this contradiction. We show that the Harsány ignimbrite defined by Lukács et al. (2007) was indeed formed at 13.5 Ma and is not the same as was described by Márton et al. (2007). We redefine the possible locations of the Harsány and Tibolddaróc samples of Márton et al. (2007). The Tibolddaróc sample could represent the ash flow unit in the middle part of the Tibolddaróc volcanic section, whereas the Harsány sample could be derived from the ‘Harsány-bend’ outcrop. Both rocks have different geochemical character compared to the Harsány ignimbrite. This work emphasizes the usefulness of geochemical correlation of scattered rhyolitic ignimbrites, combined with detailed volcanological field observations.
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