Water was observed in the sediment of Baradla Cave, located in Northeast Hungary. In order to investigate its characteristics wells were drilled. Hydrochemical samples were taken directly from the wells and from the cave stream on several occasions between November 2009 and April 2010. In February 2010 there was an opportunity to observe how the chemical composition of the waters of the creeks and the sediments altered during the snow melt. Several chemical parameters of the samples were analyzed. Based on the results of the hydrochemical analyses cluster analysis was applied to define the relationship between the sampling points. Discriminant analysis was conducted to verify the classification. As a result of the classification, the water of the observation wells in the sediment proved to be distinct from the water of the cave's creek and the springs on the surface.
Research shows that there is no permanent connection between the water in the cave sediment and the water of the cave creek in the cave water system.
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