The Oligocene Kiscell Clay is a widespread sediment of the Budapest region. The best-evaluated parts of the deposit are found along the new Metro (subway) line (Line 4) on the Buda side of the Danube River, where cores were cut. The geomechanical parameters of the Kiscell Clay were studied and evaluated using 481 samples from 41 cores. Nearly 5000 data were processed using different statistical parameters. The results of the statistical analyses are compared with previously-described soil-mechanical parameters; regional correlations of the mechanical properties of the Kiscell Clay are made by comparison with the results of previous analyses (Görög 2007a). There are significant discrepancies in the datasets of cohesion and uniaxial compressive strength, but other parameters show better correlation. In any case these analyses provide information for the engineering geologic design and planning for underground structures.
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P Görög 2007 Engineering geologic properties of the Oligocene Kiscell Clay Central European Geology, Acta Geologica Hungarica 50 4 313 329.
P Görög 2007 Characterization and mechanical properties of Eocene Buda Marl Central European Geology, Acta Geologica Hungarica 50 3 241 258.
Gy Horváth B Móczár 2011 Re-assessment of the shear strength of the Oligocene clay from the Buda area based on the site investigation of the Metro Line 4 A Anagnostopoulos Proceedings of the 15th European conference on soil mechanics and geotechnical engineering 401 406.
T Horváth M Fáy Cs Sándor 2000 A metróvonal mérnökgeológiai adottságai Földtani Kutatás 37 2 35 44 (Engineering geological properties of the Metro Line).
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T Paál 1974 Talajfizikai jellemzők eloszlás-vizsgálata Mélyépítéstudományi Szemle 24 8 379 387 (Distribution analysis of physical properties of soils).
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