The present manuscript has four goals: 1. the description of findings regarding the structure of social identity of parents and their adolescent children under the condition of permanent internal conflict, in religious-Zionist communities in the settlements and within the Israeli official borders before 1967 (the Green Lines); 2. validation of this identity structure by the Schwartz value model; 3. the examination of the differences between family members in the strength of their identity; and 4. the examination of the differences between settlers vs. non-settlers in the strength of their identity. A sample consisting of 1328 participants were administered an original Identity and Conflict Questionnaire, and the Schwartz portrait value questionnaire. In partial agreement with our predictions, a SSA statistical procedure uncovered a circumflex-like identity structure, which consisted of four semantic regions: 1. most of the items were situated in one semantic region, and were identified as religious-settlers' identity; 2. across this region smaller numbers of items of a distinct Israeli identity were negatively correlated with the former. In addition, two structures were posed in-between these two identities; 3. a sense of conflict between these identities, and 4. a belief in the ability to influence the non-religious out-group in the Israeli society. No differences were found between parents and their adolescent children, or between those living beyond and within the green lines. The finding that Schwartz's model of values was correlated with the four identities in the expected way supported the construct validity of the findings. The findings of relatively simple and widely shared structure of strong religious-settlers' identity and the relatively weak sense of conflict regarding this identity, were interpreted by us as possibly serving a coping aim, i.e., a mode of in-group communication that supports the endurance of this social and political minority group within the antagonistic social surroundings.
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