Texture development during ripening of cow milk Kashkaval cheese at different temperatures (9±1 °С, 11±1 °С and 13±1 °С) was studied. Texture parameters representing cheese hardness, cohesiveness, springiness, adhesiveness, gumminess and chewiness were determined by texture profile analysis. It was found that hardness, gumminess and adhesiveness of all studied samples increased, while springiness and cohesiveness decreased during ripening. An increase of chewiness values during the first stages of ripening was observed, followed by a decrease to the 60th day. It was found that ripening time, as well as ripening temperature had a significant effect on the changes in Kashakaval texture parameters. Cheese samples ripened at higher temperatures had lower values for hardness, cohesiveness, gumminess and chewiness. Ripening temperature had no significant effect on the changes in springiness and adhesiveness of the studied samples. The results obtained showed that by an appropriate combination of the two factors, ripening time and temperature, the changes in the Kashkaval cheese texture can be controlled, which is important for the quality of the final product.
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