The relevance of the subject under study is conditioned by numerous technological problems of providing livestock enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan with quality equipment for animal feeding and the associated need to develop and implement dosers for the preparation of compound feed mixture. This study introduces an innovative approach through the development and analysis of a novel dosing auger with an active return channel, which distinguishes itself from existing models by enhancing the precision and efficiency of feed preparation processes. The purpose of this study was to investigate the key parameters of the dosing auger with an active return channel for its further use in agricultural enterprises for preparation of compound feed. The findings of this study emphasise the significance of compliance of current trends in the improvement of prepared feed with the established zootechnical requirements from the standpoint of optimising the technological equipment used in this process. The key aspects of feed dosing sequence when using volumetric and mass dosing methods were considered. The main advantages of auger-in-auger dosers that distinguish them from all other types of dosers were described.
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