The aim of the research was to explore the proposed solar installation, which consisting of a solar wall, storage tank, radiation sources and measuring equipment. The solar installation was tested in a circulating mode, which is an important point in energy conservation. Planning the installation of the collector heating system is still at the stage of building the house. Therefore, it remains relevant to replace the traditional boiler on the solar wall in quality of the solar collector, which will be used to heat water in the system and/or the pool completely free of charge. Proposed construction of the solar wall is effective for the solar heat supply system, at the same time the results of research confirm not only the efficiency of the system, but also allow for the design stage to take into account the practical efficiency of the system. Solar wall in circulation mode has a sufficiently effective coefficient for combined hot water supply or preheating of the heating medium of the heating system. The main theses of this work also would like to mark the affordability for the consumer, since the following design does not require a separate installation, and has the ability to mount in the existing wall.
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