The authors of this publication content analyzed downloadable, digitally manageable, archaic and folkloristic texts related to the psychic layers of eating. In the background of obesity, evolutional, cultural factors and factors of socialisation are identified that have an effect via non-apperceived, irrational and emotional functions, and make lasting weight-loss difficult. The preference of fat, salty and sweet dishes is an evolutional heritage that is unhealthy among the current living conditions. The matching of eating circumstances with calmness and love in early childhood is a social heritage. The celebration of life’s great events with excessive eating together with loved ones is a cultural heritage. Owing to such traditions, eating is not merely nutrient-intake, but a process full of significant psychic values. Food has not only nutritional but also emotional values which latter aspect determines eating today more than physiological signs. During slimming, the psychotherapeutic exploration, the apperception and correction of the emotional value of eating are important.
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