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The rice plant is sensitive to soil salinity. Calcium (Ca) acts as an ameliorative agent that helps plants induce salt tolerance. This study was carried out with a comparison of the ameliorative effect of calcium on salt-stressed rice seedlings, the determination of the role of salt-responsive protein groups, and the analysis of their genetic expressions in 21-day-old rice seedlings of ten locally cultivable varieties of West Bengal. For this study, 15-day-old seedlings were treated with 200 mM of sodium chloride (NaCl) solutions along with 10 mM of calcium sulfate (CaSO4) treatment. The determination of the relationship between the salt-responsive proteins and the analysis of the gene expression of those corresponding proteins were not carried out earlier on the selected ten locally cultivable rice varieties of West Bengal. The NaCl crystals were visible on the abaxial leaf surface of salt-stressed rice seedlings. The superoxide dismutase activity was increased in rice varieties, and a similar result was also expressed with calcium treatment. The fourier transform infrared spectroscopy-attenuated total reflection spectral result gave strong evidence for the presence of several salt-tolerant proteins and their genetic expression. STRING database results have suggested that the calcium treatment, coupled with the expression of the CBL4 protein, has regulated the P5CR protein of proline biosynthesis for better salt tolerance and osmotic protection. The quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction and SDS-PAGE gel electrophoresis analysis showed that salt-tolerant varieties, Chinsurah_nona_1, and Jarava had high calcium signaling mechanisms and osmo-protection abilities.

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Over the past decade, enterococcal bloodstream infection (BSI) shows increasing incidence globally among the elderly and in patients with comorbidities. In this study, we aimed to assess microbiological and clinical characteristics and long-term outcomes of BSIs caused by Enterococcus spp. in adult patients with and without active onco-hematological malignancies hospitalized at a national referral institute.


A prospective analysis of consecutive enterococcal BSI cases was conducted in the National Institute of Hematology and Infectious Diseases (Budapest, Hungary) between December 2019 and April 2022. We compared characteristics and outcomes at 30-days and 1 year after diagnosis among patients with and without onco-hematological malignancies.


In total, 141 patients were included (median age 68 ± 21 years, female sex 36.9%), 37% (52/141) had active onco-hematological malignancies. The distribution of species was as follows: 50.4% Enterococcus faecalis, 46.1% Enterococcus faecium, 1.4% Enterococcus avium and Enterococcus gallinarum, and 0.7% Enterococcus raffinosus. No statistically significant differences in all-cause mortality rates were observed between patient subgroups at 30 days (32.7 vs. 28.1%; P = 0.57) and 1 year (75.0 vs. 60.7%; P = 0.09).


Enterococcal bloodstream infections yielded a relevant burden of morbidity, but with no statistical difference in long-term outcomes of adult patients with and without active onco-hematological malignancies.

Open access


This study attempted to optimize pectin extraction from queen pineapple (Qp) peels using microwave-assisted method. A three-factor factorial experimental design was employed to test the interaction of moisture content of pineapple peel, pH of the citric acid solution and extraction time. The three-way interaction among the factors has a significant effect on pectin recovery. Two-way interaction between moisture content and pH level, as well as pH level and extraction time caused significant difference in the pectin recovery. Pectin recovery increases with lower moisture content while longer extraction time does not significantly increase pectin recovery. The optimum combination of the parameters is 12% moisture content, pH level 2 of the citric acid solution, and extraction duration of 2 min, which yielded 1.01 ± 0.01% pectin recovery. This is lower than the results from previous studies on pineapple with 3.88–13.06% pectin recovery using acid extraction method. Hence further optimization is recommended.

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In recent years, the incidence of food-borne bacterial enteric diseases has increased worldwide causing significant health care and socioeconomic burdens. According to the World Health Organization, there are an estimated 600 million cases of foodborne illnesses worldwide each year, resulting in 420,000 deaths. Despite intensive efforts to tackle this problem, foodborne pathogenic microorganisms continue to be spread further. Therefore, there is an urgent need to find novel anti-microbial non-toxic compounds for food preservation. One way to tackle this issue may be the usage of polyphenols, which have received increasing attention in the recent years given their pleotropic health-promoting properties. This prompted us to perform a literature search summarizing studies from the past 10 years regarding the potential anti-microbial and disease-alleviating effects of plant-derived phenolic compounds against foodborne bacterial pathogens. The included 16 studies provide evidence that polyphenols show pronounced anti-bacterial and anti-oxidant effects against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterial species. In addition, synergistic anti-microbial effects in combination with synthetic antibiotics were observed. In conclusion, phenolic compounds may be useful as natural anti-microbial agents in the food, agricultural, and pharmaceutical industries in the combat of foodborne infections.

Open access
European Journal of Microbiology and Immunology
Elena Ponzo
Angelina Midiri
Andrea Manno
Martina Pastorello
Carmelo Biondo
, and
Giuseppe Mancuso


Schistosomiasis is a neglected tropical disease that is prevalent in low- and middle-income countries. There are five human pathogenic species, of which Schistosoma haematobium, Schistosoma mansoni and Schistosoma japonicum are the most prevalent worldwide and cause the greatest burden of disease in terms of mortality and morbidity. In addition, hybrid schistosomes have been identified through molecular analysis. Human infection occurs when cercariae, the larval form of the parasite, penetrate the skin of people while bathing in contaminated waters such as lakes and rivers. Schistosomiasis can cause both urogenital and intestinal symptoms. Urogenital symptoms include haematuria, bladder fibrosis, kidney damage, and an increased risk of bladder cancer. Intestinal symptoms may include abdominal pain, sometimes accompanied by diarrhoea and blood in the stool. Schistosomiasis affects more than 250 million people and causes approximately 70 million Disability-Adjusted Life Years (DALYs), mainly in Africa, South America, and Asia. To control infection, it is essential to establish sensitive and specific diagnostic tests for epidemiological surveillance and morbidity reduction. This review provides an overview of schistosomiasis, with a focus on available diagnostic tools for Schistosoma spp. Current molecular detection methods and progress in the development of new diagnostics for schistosomiasis infection are also discussed.

Open access
European Journal of Microbiology and Immunology
Ignasi Roca
Kathya Espinoza
Cinthia Irigoin-Lovera
Maria Piquet
Luciano A. Palomino-Kobayashi
Angie K. Castillo
Diego D. Gonzales-DelCarpio
Joaquim Viñes
Laura Muñoz
Barbara Ymaña
Rosario Oporto
Carlos Zavalaga
Maria J. Pons
, and
Joaquim Ruiz


Acinetobacter spp. are often isolated from natural sources, but knowledge about their presence in wild animals is fragmented and uncomplete. The present study aimed to characterize a series of Acinetobacter radioresistens isolated from Humboldt penguins (Spheniscus humboldti). Fifteen Humboldt penguins from an inhabited northern Peruvian island were sampled. Microorganisms were identified by MALDI-TOF MS. Antibiotic susceptibility to 12 antimicrobial agents was established, and clonal relationships were determined. A representative isolate was selected for whole genome sequencing (WGS). A. radioresistens were isolated from the feces of 12 (80%) Humboldt penguins, being susceptible to all the antimicrobial agents tested, except eight cefotaxime-intermediate isolates. All A. radioresistens were clonally related. WGS showed that the isolate belonged to ST1972, the presence of two chromosomal encoded carbapenemases (bla OXA-23 and a putative subclass B3 metallo-β-lactamase), and a series of point mutations in antibiotic-resistance related chromosomal genes, which were considered as polymorphisms. In addition, a few virulence factors, including a capsule-encoding operon, superoxide dismutases, catalases, phospholipases and a siderophore receptor were identified. The present results suggest that A. radioresistens may be a common member of the gut microbiota of Humboldt penguins, but further studies in other geographical areas are needed to establish this finding.

Open access

Pilóta nélküli légi járművek alkalmazása a vizes élőhelyek modern felmérésében

Application of unmanned aerial vehicles as modern tools for wetland monitoring

Agrokémia és Talajtan
Réka Döbröntey
János Grósz
Judit Rita Keleti
Tamás Szegi
Márta Fuchs
Erika Michéli
, and
Ádám Csorba

A vizes élőhelyek a vízi és a szárazföldi ökoszisztémák között elhelyezkedő, igen változatos, és általában nehezen lehatárolható területek. Kiemelt jelentőségük annak köszönhető, hogy bár csak a globális szárazföldi területek mintegy 6–7%-át borítják, kulcsfontosságú szerepet játszanak az éghajlat szabályozásában, a vizes ökoszisztémák biodiverzitásának és hidrológiai viszonyainak fenntartásában, valamint számos további ökológiai és társadalmi funkciót is szolgáltatnak, beleértve az árvízvédelmi, víztisztítási, szén-dioxid-tárolási, élőhelytámogatási és kulturális, rekreációs előnyöket. A vizes élőhelyek azonban mind természetes, mind antropogén hatások következtében térben és időben is dinamikusan változnak, ezért védelmük és megfigyelésük napjainkra igen fontos kutatási területté nőtte ki magát. A műholdas távérzékelés nagyobb területek egyidejű megfigyelését teszi lehetővé, azonban érzékeny a felhőzetre és a légköri hatásokra, bizonytalanságot okozva ezzel az eredményekben. A hagyományos monitoring technológiák mellett a pilóta nélküli légi járművek térnyerése egyre kifejezettebb, köszönhetően rugalmasságának, hatékonyságának és alacsony költségének, miközben nagy térbeli és időbeli felbontású, szisztematikus adatszolgáltatásra képes. Tanulmányunk a pilóta nélküli légi járművek alkalmazási lehetőségeibe nyújt betekintést a vizes élőhelyek felmérésében, valamint áttekinti és összehasonlítja az egyéb távérzékelés technológiák alkalmazhatóságát ezen területek megfigyelésében. Célja, hogy elősegítse a dróntechnológia további terjedését és széles körű alkalmazását a vizes élőhelyek monitorozásában.

Open access



APC and TP53 are the two most regularly mutated genes in colon adenocarcinoma (COAD), especially in progressive malignancies and antitumoral immune response. The current bioinformatics analysis investigates the APC and TP53 gene expression profile in colon adenocarcinoma as a prognostic characteristic for survival, particularly concentrating on the correlated immune microenvironment.


Clinical and genetic data of colon cancer and normal tissue samples were obtained from The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA)-COAD and Genotype-Tissue Expression (GTEx) online databases, respectively. The genetic differential expressions were analyzed in both groups via the one-way ANOVA test. Kaplan–Meier survival curves were applied to estimate the overall survival (OS). P < 0.05 was fixed as statistically significant. On Tumor Immune Estimation Resource and Gene Expression Profiling Interactive Analysis databases, the linkage between immune cell recruitment and APC and TP53 status was assessed through Spearman's correlation analysis.


APC and TP53 were found mutated in 66.74% and 85.71% of the 454 and 7 TCGA-COAD patients in colon and rectosigmoid junction primary sites, respectively with a higher log2-transcriptome per million reads compared to the GTEx group (318 samples in sigmoid and 368 samples in transverse). Survival curves revealed a worse significant OS for the high-APC and TP53 profile colon. Spearman's analysis of immune cells demonstrated a strong positive correlation between the APC status and infiltration of T cell CD4+, T cell CD8+, NK cell, and macrophages and also a positive correlation between status and infiltration of T cell CD4+, T cell CD8+.


APC and TP53 gene mutations prevail in colon cancer and are extremely associated with poor prognosis and shortest survival. The infiltrating T cell CD4+, T cell CD8+, NK cell, and macrophages populate the colon microenvironment and regulate the mechanisms of tumor advancement, immune evasion, and sensitivity to standard chemotherapy. More comprehensive research is needed to demonstrate these results and turn them into new therapeutic outlooks.

Open access


Incidence rates of human Campylobacter jejuni infections are progressively increasing globally. Since the risk for the development of post-infectious autoimmune diseases correlates with the severity of the preceding enteritis and campylobacteriosis treatment usually involves symptomatic measures, it is desirable to apply antibiotic-independent compounds to treat or even prevent disease. Given its health-promoting including anti-inflammatory properties carvacrol constitutes a promising candidate. This prompted us to test the disease-alleviating including immune-modulatory effects of carvacrol prophylaxis in acute murine campylobacteriosis. Therefore, human gut microbiota-associated IL-10−/− mice were orally challenged with synthetic carvacrol starting a week before C. jejuni infection and followed up until day 6 post-infection. Whereas carvacrol prophylaxis did neither affect gastrointestinal pathogen loads, nor the human commensal gut microbiota composition, it improved the clinical outcome of mice, attenuated colonic epithelial cell apoptosis, and dampened pro-inflammatory immune responses not only in the intestinal tract but also in extra-intestinal organs including the liver and the spleen. In conclusion, our preclinical placebo-controlled intervention study provides convincing evidence that oral carvacrol pretreatment constitutes a promising option to mitigate acute campylobacteriosis and in turn, to reduce the risk for post-infectious complications.

Open access
European Journal of Microbiology and Immunology
Niraj Jatin Patel
Sahaja Thippani
Jasmine Jathan
Gauri Gaur
Janhavi Y. Sawant
Jay M. Pandya
, and
Eva Sapi


Borrelia burgdorferi, the causative agent of Lyme disease, has recently been demonstrated to infect and enhance the invasive properties of breast cancer cells, while also influencing the expression of inflammatory chemokines (CXCL8 and CXCL10). This study investigates the presence of B. burgdorferi in invasive breast cancer tissues using commercially available, FDA-approved breast cancer tissue microarrays consisting of 350 ductal, 32 lobular, and 22 intraductal invasive breast carcinomas, alongside 29 normal breast tissues. Employing fluorescent immunohistochemical staining and high-resolution imaging, the findings revealed that approximately 20% of invasive lobular and ductal carcinomas, followed by 14% of intraductal carcinomas, tested positive for B. burgdorferi, while all normal breast tissues tested negative. PCR analysis further confirmed the presence of B. burgdorferi DNA in breast cancer tissues. Moreover, 25% of B. burgdorferi-positive tissues exhibited expression of both chemokines, CXCL8 and CXCL10, which was not observed in B. burgdorferi-negative tissues. Analysis of available patient data, including age, indicated a correlation between older patients and B. burgdorferi-positive tissues. This study validates the presence of B. burgdorferi in invasive breast cancer tissues and highlights the involvement of key CXCL family members associated with inflammatory processes.

Open access