This commentary addresses the potential for a nocebo effect arising from the public discourse on psychedelics, especially considering the increasing interest and engagement with these substances. The resurgence of psychedelics in the public and scientific arenas has led to a proliferation of discussions, both positive and cautionary, about their use. However, an imbalance in this discourse, particularly a focus on potential harms without adequate contextualisation, might inadvertently create a nocebo effect. This effect could manifest in naturalistic settings, influencing individuals' experiences with psychedelics, possibly leading to adverse outcomes. The paper discusses the importance of a balanced narrative that equally acknowledges the benefits and risks associated with psychedelic use. It advocates for comprehensive and transparent information dissemination to enable informed decision-making by users.
The Dark Triad is an important aspect of human personality, and there is evidence that it associated with infidelity. The current research aimed to examine the association between Narcissism, Psychopathy, and Machiavellianism traits and different aspects of infidelity in the Greek cultural context. In particular, using a sample of 509 Greek-speaking participants [57.5% women, mean age 36.5 (SD = 11.7), 42.5% men, mean age 40.1 (SD = 13.1)], we found that higher scores in Psychopathy were associated with higher incidence of infidelity and willingness to be unfaithful to one's partner. Moreover, men and women who scored higher in Psychopathy were more likely to be detected by their partners when unfaithful. Men who scored high in Psychopathy were also more suspicious of their partners for being unfaithful than men who scored low. However, the scores in the Dark Triad traits did not predict the probability to detect a partner's infidelity neither for men nor for women. Overall, in the Greek cultural context, the Dark Triad traits were associated with certain aspects of infidelity.
Animal ethologists suggest that non-human primates console victims of aggression in a manner similar to humans. However, the empirical basis for this cross-species comparison is fragile, given that few studies have examined consolation behavior among humans. To address this gap, we revive and apply the underappreciated ethological branch of micro-sociology, which advocates the study of human interactions by applying ethological observation techniques. We thus systematically observed naturally occurring human consolation captured by video surveillance cameras in the aftermath of violent public assaults. Consistent with prior human and non-human primate research, social affiliation promoted consolatory helping. By contrast, we found no main effect of sex. A further exploratory analysis indicated an interaction effect between social affiliation and sex, with female affiliates having the largest probability of providing consolation. We discuss implications for the cross-species study of primate consolation and advocate that micro-sociology should reappraise ethological perspectives.
Previous research has demonstrated that people remember negative reputational information particularly well. However, most of these experiments manipulated the type of information associated with each face, rather than manipulating the circumstances under which people learn this information. The present experiment examines the effect of the social situation on memory for social-exchange relevant information. Faces were paired with descriptions of cheating, trustworthy, or neutral behavior. In addition, the importance of the social situation was manipulated: Participants had either to decide if they would want to work with the described person on a student project (socially relevant scenario) or if they would want to ask this person what time it is while waiting at an airport (socially irrelevant scenario). A multinomial processing tree model was used to measure old–new item discrimination and source memory. Only in the socially relevant scenario a source memory advantage for cheaters was found.
This study contributes to the understanding of the efficacy, safety, and experience of ketamine-assisted therapy. The paper documents how individuals describe the effects of a protocolized and personalized use of ketamine (‘the relational dose’) in the context of group couples therapy based on Imago Relationship Therapy (IRT). Little is known about simultaneously administering ketamine to both members of a couple in this context, and no research to date has been published on whether ketamine facilitates couples to better engage in and benefit from the therapeutic process. The paper includes both qualitative and quantitative results.
The study utilized a mixed methods approach. One approach was an inductive content analysis that produced overarching themes gleaned from participants' check-ins pre and post their weekly ketamine sessions. Transcripts were examined to better understand ketamine's effects on couples' ability to engage in therapeutic dialogue and resolve challenging relationship issues, as well as themes related to the non-ordinary-state-of-consciousness (NOSC) experience. The second approach involved the analysis of pre-test, post-test, and follow-up data from the Couples Satisfaction Index (CSI).
The couples described a wide range of effects that ketamine produced in the context of their relational dialoguing including: empathogenic effects, mystical/spiritual/psychedelic experiences, anxiolytic and antidepressant effects. They also affirmed ketamine's ability to generate alternative perspectives, promote insight, heighten awareness, enhance vulnerability and communication, lower defenses, and produce novel somatic experiences. Participants' description of ketamine effects included its short duration, rapid onset, idiosyncratic sensitivity to dose, cumulative effects, as well as transient and mild side-effects. Several t-tests were statistically significant, and indicated improved relationship satisfaction following the treatment.
In the context of couples therapy, ketamine produced a wide range of therapeutic effects and possessed unique pharmacological properties as a rapid-acting novel psychoactive molecule. The drug may have profound therapeutic benefits when administered in the context of couples therapy, under clinical supervision, however more research should be carried out.
Problematic usage of the internet (PUI) is an umbrella term for a range of uncontrolled, excessive, and potentially harmful online behaviors. Recently, numerous studies have examined the potential of mindfulness programs (MPs) for reducing PUI. We conducted a comprehensive systematic review and meta-analysis in this emerging field.
We searched eight databases from inception to October 18, 2022, with no language restrictions. We included randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and nonrandomized trials (NRTs). The primary outcome was change in self-reported PUI, the secondary outcome was change in screen time.
Of 3,473 identified records, 19 RCTs and 20 NRTs with a total of 1,549 participants were included. Participation in an MP was associated with large reductions in PUI in between-group analysis in RCTs (k = 19; g = −1.67; 95% CI −2.15, −1.19) and in within-group pre-post analysis in all studies (k = 35; g = −1.67; 95% CI −1.99, −1.36). Screen time showed a medium reduction in within-group pre-post analysis (k = 10; g = −0.65; 95% CI −0.90, −0.41). The effects for PUI remained significant in a series of sensitivity analyses, such as excluding low quality studies, excluding outliers, adjusting for publication bias, or using follow-up data. Heterogeneity between studies was high and the overall quality of evidence was rated low.
Discussion and conclusions
MPs are probably effective in reducing PUI and might be effective in reducing screen time. Shortcomings in the quality of evidence highlight the need for high-quality controlled trials with long-term follow-ups to confirm results.
Az élettel való elégedettség és a boldogságtól való félelem vizsgálata a Big Five személyiségfaktorok, valamint különböző demográfiai változók mentén
The role of fear of happiness, big five personality traits and demographic factors in life satisfaction
Elméleti háttér: Az élettel való elégedettség a jóllétkutatások egyik leggyakrabban használt mutatója, ami számos pozitív jelenségre lehet hatással (pl. társas kapcsolatok, egészség), így fontos feltérképezni azokat a tényezőket, amelyek befolyással lehetnek az alakulására. Cél:Jelen tanulmány célja feltérképezni a boldogságtól való félelem, a demográfiai tényezők, valamint a Big Five személyiségdimenziók szerepét az élettel való elégedettségben, kitüntetett szerepet szánva a boldogságtól való félelem vizsgálatának, a koncepció újszerűsége miatt. Módszerek: Keresztmetszeti kérdőíves vizsgálatunkban 1826 felnőtt vett részt (77% nő; átlagéletkor = 35 év; SD = 15,5 év), akik a demográfiai kérdéseken kívül a Boldogságtól való félelem skálát, az Élettel való elégedettség skálát, valamint a Big Five leltárt töltötték ki. Eredmények: Az életkor és az élettel való elégedettség (r s = –0,06, p < 0,001), illetve az életkor és a boldogságtól való félelem (r s = –0,19; p = 0,005) között negatív irányú, ám elhanyagolható erősségű összefüggést találtunk, amit nem tudott szignifikánsan jobban magyarázni egy „U alakú” (kvadratikus) függvény, egy egyszerű lineáris függvénnyel összehasonlítva. Nem találtunk szignifikáns nemi különbséget az élettel való elégedettség (p = 0,17; Cohen-d = 0,07), illetve a boldogságtól való félelem (p = 0,93; Cohen-d = –0,005) pontszámokban. Az egyedülállókkal összehasonlítva a párkapcsolatban élők szignifikánsan magasabb élettel való elégedettség (p < 0,001; Cohen-d = 0,48) és szignifikánsan alacsonyabb boldogságtól való félelem (p < 0,001; Cohen-d = –0,31) pontszámokkal jellemezhetők. A boldogságtól való félelem önmagában szignifikáns, negatív prediktora az élettel való elégedettségnek (R 2 = 0,16; β = –0,398; p < 0,001), és ez a demográfiai és a Big Five faktorok kontrollálása után is igaz (β = –0,208; p < 0,001), tehát kijelenthető, hogy annak a demográfiai és a Big Five személyiségfaktoroktól elkülönülő magyarázóereje van az élettel való elégedettségben. A végső modellben a Big Five skálák közül nem bizonyult szignifikáns prediktornak a barátságosság, illetve a nyitottság, pozitív hatással bírt az extraverzió és a lelkiismeretesség, negatív hatással pedig a neuroticizmus esetében számolhatunk. Következtetések: Eredményeink nagyrészt megerősítik az élettel való elégedettség prediktoraival kapcsolatos korábbi kutatásokat; továbbá felvetik a boldogságtól való félelem behatóbb vizsgálatának szükségességét, hiszen eszerint egy, az alap személyiségdimenzióktól elkülönülő, a szubjektív jóllétre szignifikáns hatást gyakorló tényezőről lehet szó.
Background and aims
In 2021, China implemented a policy to prevent adolescents from excessive online gaming, with the goal of encouraging healthier leisure activities.
Three months after this policy was implemented, we conducted a study involving 430 Chinese adolescents who regularly played online games for over two hours daily before the policy. We collected their responses to the restriction, including their compliance with the policy, engagement in undesirable alternative behaviors (e.g., watching short videos), and engagement in desirable alternative behaviors (e.g., playing sports). We also collected data on individual factors, parental technology interference, and feelings of restriction to use as predictors for behaviors, including those related to violating the restriction or watching short videos.
A small percentage of heavy gamers violated the restriction by renting others' game accounts (3%) or using a family member's identity (14%), while 59% of the sample shifted to watching short videos. Heavy gamers who lived in rural areas, spent more time on online games prior to the policy, did not feel restricted from playing online games, and experienced parental technology interference were more likely to violate the restriction. Females or those lacking stable hobbies were more inclined to watch short videos.
Although the policy restricted heavy gaming, it has also led to increased short video use. Policymakers could explore alternative approaches, such as developing infrastructure that supports outdoor leisure activities in rural areas, encouraging parents to model responsible technology use behaviors, and guiding adolescents to cultivate positive hobbies in their leisure time.