In milling industry, the object of milling is to separate endosperm and bran parts of wheat, and to recover flour. The most important and the highest energy requirement operation is grinding. The quantity and quality of flour depends on: the variety of wheat that will be milled, the type of grinding equipment and the condition used before the grinding. During our experiments two different grain structured varieties of wheat were milled in laboratory conditions with disk, stone grinder and roller miller in air-dry, and conditioned states. The performance of the equipment and the particle size distribution (PSD) of the produced grist were measured, then the energy requirements of the grinders were calculated. In the milling experiments the ash contents of the different particle sized fractions were compared to map particular properties of wheat cultivars.
Broccoli's high perishability and its sensitivity to negative quality changes (i.e., mass loss, ethylene induced degreening, abscission of leaves, and florets) generates quality problems during postharvest. Freshly harvested samples were stored at 5 and 21 °C after separately treated for 24 h with 625 ppb 1-methyl-cyclopropene (1-MCP), 24 h with 2 ppm ethylene and 1-MCP followed by ethylene. Quality maintenance effectivity of 1-MCP was investigated during cold and room storage by non-destructive optical methods (chlorophyll fluorescence and DA-index®) and by the evaluation of the visual physiological symptoms. The highly positive effects of 1-MCP treatment combined with cold storage were obviously proven on quality maintenance providing better retention of initial quality related to the initial mature green stage as chlorophyll content related DA-index®; F m , F v , F v /F m , and F m /F 0 chlorophyll fluorescence values. From the practical point of view, the rapid, and easy-to-use Sintéleia FRM01-F Vis/NIR DA-meter® could be applied relatively easy for the quality measurement of broccoli. The reproducibility of quality determination could be increased by the enhanced number of measuring points or using computer aided imaging methods (i.e., chlorophyll fluorescence imaging, machine vision system) providing global and more reliable information about quality changes.
Nowadays, demand for products which beyond the overall nutritional value have a feature that protects the consumer health, have increased. Several studies have proved that fruit juices can become a suitable carrier or medium for probiotic organisms. Therefore, the aim of our study was to investigate the possibility of the probiotication of sour cherry juice (SCJ) by fermentation with probiotic starter culture. During the fermentation 9 Lactobacillus strains were used and Újfehértói fürtös sour cherry species as raw material. To reach the recommended probiotic cell count we investigated the pH adjustment, supplementation of nutrients, the effect of dilution, and strain adaptation to SCJ. In our study the properties of the strains – such as reproduction and metabolism – and its effect on the raw material were investigated. A significant difference was observed between the number of viable cells of certain Lactobacillus strains, that is important in point of view of the development of probiotic-containing products. Furthermore, the lactic acid fermented SCJ can enhance the polyphenol content and antioxidant activity to promote the health of consumers.
Similarly to other industries wineries also increasingly attempt to minimize and utilize waste to protect our environment. The aim of this study was to determine the optimal parameters (temperature, solvent concentration, and time) of extracting total polyphenol content (TPC) from Tokaji Aszú marc using two different extraction solvents: ethanol–water and isopropanol–water (1:4 solid/liquid ratio). The extractions were achieved based on Central Composite Design with Response Surface Method (CCRD–RSM). The optimal extraction parameters in the case of ethanol–water solvent: 60 °C temperature, 59.5% ethanol concentration in solvent, 5 h. At these parameters the probable TPC concentration is 23966.2 uM GAE/L. The optimal extraction parameters in the case of isopropanol–water solvent: 60 °C temperature, 52% ethanol concentration in solvent, 5 h. At these parameters the probable TPC concentration is 7188.44 uM GAE/L. In both cases the binary solvent was better than the mono-solvent. Ethanol–water solvent was more efficient than the isopropanol–water solvent.
The aim of this work was to evaluate the effect of packaging perforation on quality of carrot slices during cold storage at 5 °C. Polyethylene bags with different number of perforations (3, 4, and 6) were used in this experiment. Headspace oxygen concentration, respiration, weight loss, surface color, firmness, pH, and soluble solid content were examined throughout storage. It was observed, that all the investigated packaging were effective in maintaining the quality of carrot slices compared to the control. There was no symptom of decay until 12 days. In addition, pH, soluble solid content, and firmness showed nonsignificant change. Moreover, weight loss of packed carrot slices was below 2% after 12 days of storage. Packed carrot had better appearance at the end of experiment (12 days) than that of control.
Agricultural production is threatened by different invasive species, as their damage results in a serious loss of income. The aim of the research was the assessment of the swarming dynamics and damage of the western corn rootworm (WCR) adults and larvae. The experiment was carried out in monoculture fertilization long-term experiments and three maize hybrids compared for their reaction against WCR adult and larval damage under non-infested plots at different nitrogen levels. Differences among the hybrids have a lower effect on the damage of corn rootworm adults and larvae than the amount of applied nitrogen. The phosphorus-potassium are optimal levels, while nitrogen ranges from 0 to 300 kg and no nutrient supply took place in the control plots for 30 years. The number of adults located and feeding on the styles of the female flower recorded and the damage caused on the roots by larvae ranked on a modified Iowa scale. Nitrogen fertilization resulted in a change in the silking time. The lowest root damage observed in the case of the high nutrient treatment with an Iowa value of 3.18. The coincidence of the nourishment of adults and the egg-laying time with silking is a potential threat in terms of fertility. Based on the results, it found that the extent of root damage can be reduced through the optimal selection of the time and dose of nutrient supply, primarily that of nitrogen. In general, both larvae and adults can cause severe yield loss, but the method of control against them is different. The coincidence of the nourishment of adults and the egg-laying time with silking is a potential threat in terms of fertility.
The existing effective domestic regional development framework requires analyses for increasingly wider areas (micro, meso and even macro regions) before operational – short-term – local developments to be prepared and implemented.
Such comprehensive complex studies or larger-term programmes may demonstrate the profitability of the given project and can complement it with combined utilization technologies; in the case of Himesháza several locally known renewable energy sources could facilitate geothermal heat, later electricity supply, e.g. local biomass (biogas-based) recovery technology (organic waste of the local pig farm) and, for example, the construction of a low-power “dwarf” hydroelectric power plant chain based on rich watercourses of the region (the “southern dwarves” in Hungary) and the connection of existing solar utility facilities to a modern “smart grid” system in the longer term.
Himesháza, located in southern Hungary in Baranya county, is developing; it has a detailed feasibility study of a thermal energy supply network and an energy supply development plan.
Based on the geothermal characteristics of Baranya county it would be reasonable to encourage the development of smaller-scale, decentralized heating systems for dynamic settlements. Several settlements in close proximity to Himesháza have already explored thermal wells. Power generation with a small scale, closed-loop system can be used in the project region for thermal water with an outflow temperature of 90 °C. The heating system may also be able to fulfill the needs of recreational, vacation-based or complex thermal spa facilities formerly planned in the region. Moreover, the system could also be capable of utilizing a larger spectrum of renewable energy through its combination with photovoltaic technology.
Due to the country's favorable agricultural characteristics, Hungary's biomass potential is higher than the European average. The utilization of organic waste from agricultural and farming sectors is highly recommended in Baranya county; biogas production seems to be the most suitable in the region of Himesháza too, broadening the utilization of renewable resources.
The realization of the current project could contribute to shifting the energy resource sector in a more modern, environmentally conscious direction.
The background for shorter-term plans and investment (carried out within the framework of operational programs) necessary for the optimal operation and maintenance of longer-term (25–50 years) energy development strategies is created by the analysis (at multiple scales) of complex regional characteristics and future potential, and the selection of optimal sites.
A klímaváltozásnak köszönhetően a következő évtizedekben a talajok defláció veszélyezettségének mértéke emelkedni fog hazánkban (CSORBA et al. 2012). A kutatásunk során arra kerestünk választ, hogy a talajtani alaptulajdonságok miként befolyásolják a kritikus indítósebességet és jelenleg mennyire defláció veszélyeztetettek a Dél-Alföld talajai.
Mintaterületként a Szeged környéki talajokat választottuk. A vizsgálataink során megállapítottuk, hogy az összes vizsgált talajparaméter közül az agronómiai szerkezet, azon belül is a rögfrakció az, ami leginkább befolyásolja a kritikus indítósebességet. Ez felhívja a figyelmet az ember szerepére, aki megfelelő agrotechnikával képes lenne a széleróziós kockázat csökkentésére (BODOLAY 1966; SHAHABINEJAD et al. 2019). A szélcsatornás kritikus indítósebesség vizsgálatok eredményeit összevetettük az időjárási adatokkal, és ezek eredményeit kivetítettük Csongrád megye területére. Kutatásunk során meghatároztuk a széleróziós események jellemző éves előfordulását (homok: 16,8 esemény; homokos vályog és vályog 1,6 esemény; agyagos vályog: 0,4 esemény), ezen események átlagos hosszát (homok: 3,0 óra; homokos vályog és vályog 1,4 óra; agyagos vályog: 1,0 óra) és a deflációnak kitett területetek aránya Csongrád-megyében (homok: 8,4%; homokos vályog és vályog 29,1%; agyagos vályog: 20,0%).
Kutatásunkkal képet kaptunk arról, hogy a defláció mekkora területet érint és mennyire jelentős talajvédelmi probléma Csongrád megyében. Korábbi kutatásaink bizonyítják, hogy egy párperces széleróziós esemény is súlyos veszteséget okozhat a talajok tápanyagtartalmából (FARSANG et al. 2011; FARSANG 2016), mely csupán csak egy aspektusa a szélerózió negatív hatásainak.
Hungary was one of the main countries in the world as regards the yields reached in maize production. The research was conducted to appraise the effect of NPK fertilizer on traits of different hybrid maize (Fao410, Fao340) at the University of Debrecen and our experiment was carried out in Centre for Agricultural Sciences, Institute of Crop Sciences at Látókép in 2018. NPK fertilizer was applied in six different combinations (0-0-0 control, 30-23-27 first dose, 60-46-54 second dose, 90-69-81 third dose, 120-92-108 fourth dose and 150-115-135 fifth dose kg · ha−1). The result of compound variance showed the level of fertilizer and interaction between fertilizer and genotypes were significant in one percent. Effect of genotypes was a variable level of fertilizer and providing a different yield in the level of fertilizer. The weight of seeds in ear and weight of ear were important traits in the average yield on Fao410 hybrid. Also, the fourth of the fertilizer level was the best level of fertilizer for yield on Fao410 and Fao340. the weight of fresh plant and weight of seeds in ear were highest relation with yield in H340 hybrid. The results of this research can successfully contribute to the science of maize cultivars, the given adapted hybrid to the discovery of their traits and to an application of fertilizers.