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Progress in Agricultural Engineering Sciences
Szabolcs Homolya
Eszter Vozáry
Katalin Badak Kerti
Tímea Kaszab
Mohsen Mardani
, and
Anikó Lambert Meretei


In the confectionery industry large quantities of palm fat in the fillings of chocolate products are used. Based on today's nutritional science results, it is desirable to replace palm oil with healthier fats. Oleogels can provide a kind of solution for this replacement. In our work the rheological, textural and thermal properties of oleogels containing high oleic sunflower oil, beeswax and monoglycerides were determined. In the samples we examined, the gelator concentrations were: 20% beeswax, 15% beeswax and 5% monoglyceride, 10% beeswax and 10% monoglyceride, 5% beeswax and 15% monoglyceride, and 20% monoglyceride. Based on our results, the oleogel containing 15% beeswax and 5% monoglyceride seems an eutectic crystal of beeswaxes and monoglyceride. It has relative high hardness, high storage modulus and high viscosity therefore it can replace the Chocofill filling fat, which contains mainly palm fat, used in large quantities in sweets.

Open access


This study aims to predict drought periods affecting the Tokaj-Hegyalja wine region and the application of this in crop protection. The Tokaj-Hegyalja wine region is the only closed wine region in Hungary with a specific mesoclimate and a corresponding wine grape variety composition, in which climate change strongly threatens cultivation. The probability that a randomly selected day in the vegetation period will fall into a drought period in the future was estimated using the daily precipitation amount and daily maximum temperature data from the Hungarian Meteorological Service for the period 2002–2020. The Markov model, a relatively new mathematical method for the statistical investigation of weather phenomena, was used for this. Markov chains can, therefore, be a valuable tool for organizing integrated pest management. This can be used to plan irrigation, control fungal pathogens infecting the vines, and plan the success of a given vintage.

Open access


The utilization of sea buckthorn pomace (SBP) is attracting growing attention since it is valuable industrial waste. This pomace can find usage as a functional ingredient of food because it contains bioactive, health-promoting components, but to our knowledge, few scientists have so far studied utilization of the antimicrobial activity of fruit pomace. The study aims are to broaden our knowledge of antioxidant and antimicrobial status of SBP by utilizing pomace as a functional apple juice ingredient and by monitoring the antioxidant capacity, the total polyphenol content and microbial changes that occur during the storage of juice samples. Our results of this study highlight that the importance of the utilization of SBP because the results reported here provide further evidence that SBP can contribute to increasing the content of valuable components in apple juice samples and inhibiting the growth of microorganisms during storage.

Open access

Az erdőállományok talajvíz utánpótlódásra gyakorolt hatásának vizsgálata kecskemét-ménteleki mintaterületen

Investigation of the impact of forest stands on groundwater recharge in the Kecskemét-Méntelek study area

Agrokémia és Talajtan
András Szabó
Zoltán Gribovszki
Péter Kalicz
Ján Szolgay
Zsolt Gácsi
, and
Bence Bolla

Az Alföldet, azon belül is különösen a Homokhátságot érintő talajvízszint süllyedés, súlyos ökológiai és gazdasági következményekkel is járó problémakör. A jelenség hátterében álló lehetséges okokkal kapcsolatban több évtizede zajlik kutatómunka, ugyanakkor ezek relatív súlyának meghatározása a mai napig tudományos vita tárgyát képezi.

Több szerző is kiemeli az erdőtelepítések talajvízszint csökkentő hatásának fontosságát. Ez a hatás két módon, a vegetáció vízfelvétele, illetve a csapadékból történő utánpótlódás csökkentése (intercepció, talajnedvesség felvétel) által jelentkezhet. Ezen mechanizmusok működését vizsgáltuk meg egy akác (Robinia pseudoacacia) és egy fekete fenyő (Pinus nigra) állomány esetében a Homokhátságon, Kecskemét-Ménteleken kialakított mintaterületünkön, 90, 150 és 200 cm-es mélységben, nagy időbeli felbontással mért talajnedvesség, illetve talajvíz adatokra alapozva.

Az adatok alapján feltételezhető, hogy a talajvízből nem történik közvetlen, vagy közvetett vízfelvétel, aminek oka vélhetően a gyökérzóna és a talajvíz közti igen jelentős horizontális távolság. A talajnedvesség esetében a sekélyebb rétegekben egyértelműen jelentkezik az erdőállományok szezonális szárító hatása. Ugyanakkor a mélyebb rétegek talajnedvesség adatai alapján kijelenthető, hogy a csapadékból történő talajvíz visszatöltődésre leginkább az akác állomány alatt van elméleti lehetőség. A látszólagos ellentmondás feltételezhetően a gyökérzet által kialakított makropórusok hatásával magyarázható. Ezt támasztja alá az akác és fekete fenyő állományok közti igen jelentős eltérés is.

Következtetésünk, hogy az erdőállományok lokálisan jelentősen eltérő hatást gyakorolhatnak a talajvízszintre. Ezért a lezajló folyamatok hátterét, általános jellegű megállapítások helyett, az adott hidrológiai rendszer több elemét vizsgáló monitoring adataira alapozva lehetséges csak felderíteni.

Open access


Microencapsulation of flaxseed oil (FO) has received lots of attention in the food and biopharmaceutical industries. To produce FO microcapsules, aqueous emulsions of FO with polymeric carbohydrates (maltodextrin (MD) with dextrose equivalent (DE) 19, gum Arabic (GA) and modified starch (MS)) were prepared by a rotor stator homogenization and subsequently, dehydration of emulsions were performed by spray drying (SD). The objective of this research was to study the effects of different combinations of polymeric carbohydrates with FO in emulsion to obtain maximum encapsulation efficiency (EE). A 3 factorials–3 levels Box–Behnken design was used for the optimization purpose. The maximum EE was achieved using 0.79 MD-GA ratio, 20.23% MS and 24.62% FO in emulsion. Microcapsules obtained by optimum condition had EE 77.68%, particle size (D 32) 120.0 ± 0.43 μm, moisture content1.6 ± 0.13%, wettability 192 ± 5.5 s, solubility 75.49 ± 1.3%, bulk density 0.31 ± 0.025 g mL−1, tapped density 0.36 ± 0.01 g mL−1, Carr's Index 13.88 ± 0.01% and Hausner Ratio 1.16 ± 0.01.

Open access

This study assesses the elemental composition of Egyptian glauconite sediments, focusing on potentially toxic elements (PTEs) and macronutrients. The primary aim is to evaluate the feasibility of utilizing these sediments as a natural source of potassium for agricultural purposes, besides conventional chemical fertilizers like potassium sulfate. To quantify elemental content, chemical analysis was employed across five distinct grain size fractions after grinding glauconite rock. The assessment included potassium, calcium, sodium, and PTE concentrations, utilizing potassium chloride (KCl) and ammonium acetate lactate (AL Solution) as single extractants, and the BCR extraction protocol, in addition to measuring the pseudo-total content of these elements. Inductively Coupled Plasma Optical Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES) facilitated a comparative analysis of elemental concentrations. Results indicate PTE concentrations within European Union regulations, with an absence of cadmium. Glauconite samples contain approximately 3–3.3% potassium by weight, alongside significant amounts of essential macronutrients (calcium, magnesium) and micronutrients (copper, nickel, zinc) crucial for agriculture. BCR sequential extraction protocol results closely align with or slightly surpass pseudo-total content results. Notably, the AL Solution demonstrates high efficiency compared to KCl or acetic acid in the first step of the BCR method. BCR sequential protocol provides valuable insights into various elemental forms and potential mobility. Overall, this study reveals that glauconite has the potential to serve as a promising alternative potassium fertilizer without causing adverse environmental impacts.

Open access


The article evaluates how well the goals of the European Green Deal are justified, especially considering the risks to energy and food security arising from the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. We agree with the objectives of the European Green Agreement as a whole, but whether some of the objectives which feature in the EASAC study can be achieved by 2030 is questionable, and the description of the tools necessary to achieve the objectives is incomplete. Among other things, there is hardly any mention of the role played by precision farming with digitalization, which is a revolutionary change from an ecological and economic point of view, in reducing the use of synthetic inputs, in regenerating the original state of the soil, in reducing GHG emissions, thus in increasing biodiversity, and at the same time in intensifying production, and finally in expanding the application of biotechnology. We examine these areas in our analysis. Some of the objectives of the EASAC study to be achieved by 2030 are subject to debate, and the description of the information and communication conditions necessary to achieve the objectives is incomplete. The IoT (Internet of Things) responds to global and local challenges: it integrates the precision technologies, WSNs (Wireless Sensor Networks), artificial intelligence, mobile field (Smart Small Robots) and remote data loggers (UAVs: Unmanned Air Vehicles and satellites), Big Data, and cloud computing. Consequently, decision support is increasingly developing into unmanned decision making. IoT (Internet of Things) is the basis of “Farm to Fork” and “Lab to Field” monitoring approaches.

This article evaluates the implementation of European Green Agreement objectives in light of energy and food security risks arising from the Russia-Ukraine conflict. While overall support for the agreement exists, the feasibility of certain EASAC study objectives by 2030 is called into question due to insufficient tools specifications. Notably absent is the emphasis on precision farming with digitalization, which is a transformative ecological and economic practice. Our analyses look into its function in reducing synthetic inputs, soil regeneration, GHG emission reduction, biodiversity enhancement, production intensification, and biotechnology development. Debates surround EASAC study objectives for 2030, despite limited information and communication restrictions. The Internet of Things (IoT) arises as a solution, combining precision technology, WSNs (wireless sensor networks), AI (artificial intelligence), smart small robots, UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles), satellites, big data, and cloud computing. As a result, decision support turns toward unmanned decision-making, with IoT laying the groundwork for “Farm to Fork” and “Lab to Field” monitoring systems.

Open access

The use of organic fertilization is declining in Hungary due to the sharp fall of livestock stand since the middle of the 1980s. Most farmers are forced to use solely chemical crop enhancers. A bifactorial small plot experiment was carried out between 10 May 2023 and 19 October 2023 in Keszthely, in order to examine the effects of farmyard manure (M), green manure (GM) and stem residues (SR) on the nutrient uptake and nitrogen utilization efficiencies of maize at equidistantly increasing (0–70–140–210–280 kg N ha–1) nitrogen doses. The relationship between some vegetative traits (dry biomass weight, Leaf Area Index (LAI)) and yield, furthermore leaf relative water content (RWC) was also examined. According to the results, organic fertilizer substitution significantly increased the N content both in whole plant and grain samples of NPK+M and NPK+GM+SR treatments, compared to the chemically fertilized control (NPK). In case of P and K only slight differences were observed. Whole plant K contents of NPK+M were significantly higher than in the other treatments (P = 0.045; P = 0,005), furthermore P contents in grain samples were significantly higher in NPK+M (P = 0.004) and NPK+GM+SR (P = 0.05) than in control. Harvest index (HI [%]) of NPK+M and NPK+GM+SR were 1.06 and 1.05 times higher than in NPK. Depending on the treatment, P0023 maize hybrid absorbed 58.7–74.64% of total N uptake in the grain (HIN%), and the utilization of 1 kg N fertilizer for the extra yield above the yield of the individual control was 0.39–1.38 kg (AREN). Significant positive correlations were observed between dry biomass weight and yield (NPK: r = 0.937, P = 0.019; NPK+M: r = 0.971, P = 0.006; NPK+GM+SR: r = 0.88, P = 0.049), furthermore LAI and yield (NPK: r = 0.9, P = 0.037; NPK+M: r = 0.983, P = 0.003; NPK+GM+SR: r = 0.784, P = 0.117). Highest RWC values – which may be related to better soil aggregate stability – were measured in NPK+GM+SR treatment, therefore there may be a great potential in this treatment among drought conditions. The effect of organic amendments is particularly noticeable with smaller nitrogen doses so they should be used to reduce inorganic fertilizer application and the resulting environmental risks.

Open access

Pilóta nélküli légi járművek alkalmazása a vizes élőhelyek modern felmérésében

Application of unmanned aerial vehicles as modern tools for wetland monitoring

Agrokémia és Talajtan
Réka Döbröntey
János Grósz
Judit Rita Keleti
Tamás Szegi
Márta Fuchs
Erika Michéli
, and
Ádám Csorba

A vizes élőhelyek a vízi és a szárazföldi ökoszisztémák között elhelyezkedő, igen változatos, és általában nehezen lehatárolható területek. Kiemelt jelentőségük annak köszönhető, hogy bár csak a globális szárazföldi területek mintegy 6–7%-át borítják, kulcsfontosságú szerepet játszanak az éghajlat szabályozásában, a vizes ökoszisztémák biodiverzitásának és hidrológiai viszonyainak fenntartásában, valamint számos további ökológiai és társadalmi funkciót is szolgáltatnak, beleértve az árvízvédelmi, víztisztítási, szén-dioxid-tárolási, élőhelytámogatási és kulturális, rekreációs előnyöket. A vizes élőhelyek azonban mind természetes, mind antropogén hatások következtében térben és időben is dinamikusan változnak, ezért védelmük és megfigyelésük napjainkra igen fontos kutatási területté nőtte ki magát. A műholdas távérzékelés nagyobb területek egyidejű megfigyelését teszi lehetővé, azonban érzékeny a felhőzetre és a légköri hatásokra, bizonytalanságot okozva ezzel az eredményekben. A hagyományos monitoring technológiák mellett a pilóta nélküli légi járművek térnyerése egyre kifejezettebb, köszönhetően rugalmasságának, hatékonyságának és alacsony költségének, miközben nagy térbeli és időbeli felbontású, szisztematikus adatszolgáltatásra képes. Tanulmányunk a pilóta nélküli légi járművek alkalmazási lehetőségeibe nyújt betekintést a vizes élőhelyek felmérésében, valamint áttekinti és összehasonlítja az egyéb távérzékelés technológiák alkalmazhatóságát ezen területek megfigyelésében. Célja, hogy elősegítse a dróntechnológia további terjedését és széles körű alkalmazását a vizes élőhelyek monitorozásában.

Open access


In this work, an assessment of effective solvents and extraction methods was carried out to recover the bioactive compounds from hawthorn fruit (Crataegus monogyna Jacq.). Extractions assisted by heat, microwave, and ultrasound were carried out using various organic solvents (methanol, ethanol, and isopropanol). pH differential, Folin–Ciocalteu's, and aluminum chloride methods were used to determine total monomeric anthocyanin (TMA), total phenolic compound (TPC), and total flavonoid content (TFC), consecutively. Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power (FRAP), 2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl Hydrate (DPPH), and 2,2′- azino- bis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6- sulfonic acid) (ABTS) assays were used to measure the antioxidant activity (AA) of the extracts. The outputs revealed that extraction methods and solvents significantly affect anthocyanin concentration, TPC, TFC, AA, and color values of hawthorn fruit extracts. Due to the highest recovered TMA (0.152 ± 0.002 mg ECy3Gl/g of dry weight), TPC (49.14 ± 0.38 mg gallic acid equivalents/g of dry weight), and TFC (18.38 ± 0.19 mg quercetin equivalents/g of dry weight) contents, the ultrasonic-assisted extraction is superior to heat and microwave-assisted extractions. Accordingly, it was also observed that the methanol solvent is more profound than ethanol and isopropanol. Further, the bioactive compounds' content and the extracts' antioxidant activity are shown to be highly correlated. Thus, hawthorn extracts are considered to have antioxidant properties because of their concentrated bioactive compounds.

Open access