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A caricaturistic portrait of Ovid from Brigetio (Komárom/Szőny, Hungary)

Ovidius karikaturisztikus portréja Brigetióból (Komárom/Szőny)

Archaeologiai Értesítő
Dávid Bartus
László Borhy


In 2015 a preventive excavation was carried out preceding the laying of an optical cable in close vicinity to the legionary fortress of Brigetio. An otherwise regular Roman terracotta roof tile was found during the excavation, with the image of a bearded man and the inscribed name of Ovidius Naso. The depiction of the poet leans more towards caricature rather than a realistic portrait, but since we do not know of any ancient representations of Ovid, it is of great importance and fits well into the series of other graffiti on roof tiles from Pannonia.

Open access


In emerging economies, social entrepreneurship is becoming more widely recognized as a means of optimizing societal value. Examining the impact of emotional intelligence on students' intentions to pursue social entrepreneurship is the primary goal of this research project. The university students in Bangladesh were the study's target population. An online survey with self-administered questions was created to gather data from 334 Bangladeshi students. This study is exploratory and quantitative in nature. For this study purpose non-probability random sampling and convenience methods were applied to collect the data. Reliability was considered to be measured with a Cronbach's alpha (α) value of 0.70 or above. The study found the reliability of the constructs like self-awareness (α = 0.868), self-management (α = 0.895), social awareness (α = 0.867), relationship management (α = 0.948), and social entrepreneurial intention (0.864). The model was evaluated and the hypotheses were confirmed using SPSS v26.0 at the 5% significance level. Furthermore, this study's findings show 0.678 percent, or 67.8%, of the variance in Social Entrepreneurial Intention, which is valuable for the body of knowledge in this field of study. These findings could help academics, community organizations, non-governmental organizations, government, and civil society develop successful policies and initiatives to support students' plans to grow their social entrepreneurship in Bangladesh.

Open access


Enterprises prioritizing social issues over profit maximization can lead to value co-creation, especially in marginalized and unprivileged communities. In this regard, this paper explores underlying theoretical mechanisms that tie digitalization and value co-creation together for social entrepreneurship's development. The article aims to identify how digitalization enables value co-creation for social enterprises. We conduct multiple case studies, have 11 in-depth face-to-face interviews with social entrepreneurs from Azerbaijan and synthesize the findings from primary and secondary data. As a result, we reveal that digitalization enables value co-creation for social entrepreneurship through a new phenomenon, which we call Data-driven Social Co-creation (DSC), and its subcategories such as efficiency, resource mobilization, feedback loops and data utilization. Finally, we recommend the DSC framework which shows the relationship between digitalization and value co-creation in social entrepreneurship, and which is the main theoretical contribution to the social entrepreneurship literature. Additionally, we provide a research agenda on the respective research field.

Open access


Although the entrepreneurial gender gap is decreasing in European economies, the obstacles faced by women entrepreneurs remain numerous and often differ from those encountered by men. The COVID-19 pandemic, and then the energy crisis, have made it even harder for women entrepreneurs to sustain their businesses and have added to the challenges of work and private life. Women entrepreneurs, among many others, had to face how to survive crises and adjust their businesses to new circumstances to become more resilient, remain competitive and sustainable in times of crises, and in particular to improve their digital skills. A new insight is crucial for more efficient entrepreneurial development for women. A cross-country research helps to identify the needs of women entrepreneurs and provide a solid basis for the development of tailor-made activities focusing on innovative and practical solutions to support the up-skilling and resilience of women entrepreneurs. Through a survey conducted with 608 women entrepreneurs from seven European countries, our basic question was how women entrepreneurs managed to get through and become resilient in times of crises. The focus of our analysis is digitalization: did the rapid digital transition help women entrepreneurs become resilient during turbulent times? Did the practicing of digitalization-based resilience strategies (including remote work, online sales and similar approaches) improve women entrepreneurs' operational efficiency and strength?

Open access

Ein Hortfund aus der Koszider-Periode im Bükk Gebirge

Mittelbronzezeitliche Metallfunde von Dédestapolcsány-Verebce-bérc

A bronze hoard from the Koszider period in the Bükk Mountains: Middle Bronze Age metal finds from Dédestapolcsány-Verebce-bérc

Archaeologiai Értesítő
Eszter Fejér


A tanulmány Dédestapolcsány-Verebce-bérc lelőhelyen az elmúlt évek intenzív kutatásai során előkerült középső bronzkor végi bronztárgyakat ismerteti, és ezek tükrében támpontokat ad a Bükk hegység középső bronzkori használatát illetően. 2022-ben négy gombos végű bronzsarlóból álló koszideri korú depó került elő fémkeresős lelőhely-felderítés során, és feltehetően ehhez az együtteshez tartozott egy szórványként talált sarkított peremesbalta is. A lelőhelyről két további szórványlelet, egy peremesbalta és egy spiráltekercsben végződő karperec töredéke ismert még ebből a korszakból.

Open access


This study analyzed the impact of storing Golden Delicious apples at 3 °C with a relative humidity of 85 ± 5% in two environments, namely a darkroom (D03) and a lightroom (L03), on the fruit quality. The research evaluated weight loss (Δm) and color metrics (a*, b*, L*, ΔE, C*, hue angle). The number of apples used for each storage was 12. Weight loss was calculated by measuring the changes in mass during storage. Color differences (ΔE), chroma (C*), and hue angle were determined based on the L*a*b* scale values. Apples stored at 3 °C in D03 experienced a minimal percentage of weight loss of 7.02%. The results indicated that compared to the D03 storage, the L03 storage had a more significant increase in Δm and color variation. The non-destructive method of measuring color characteristics facilitates the assessment of the storage conditions for Golden Delicious apples.

Open access


The sodium hydroxide (NaOH) molarity in Self-compacting geopolymer concrete (SCGC) is essential for activating the precursor and aggregate to develop strength, workability, and microstructure. In this study, SCGC mixes prepared with 50% fly ash (FA) and 50% ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBS) to investigate fresh and hardened properties with NaOH molarities (M) ranges from 8 to 16, the ratio of Na2SiO3 to NaOH kept constant at 2.5 and ratio of alkaline solution to the binder at 0.45 with 2% SP for the polymerization process. SCGC workability studies indicate the NaOH concentration increased, the slump flow decreased, and 14 M was the optimum molarity. The compressive, split tensile, and flexural strength results showed 39.4 MPa, 4.72 MPa, and 5.91 MPa at 28 days. The C–S–H gel enhanced the strength qualities studied from Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The scanning electron microscope showed microstructural densification of the entire system, which improved with the NaOH concentration, and the strength increased with the degree of polymerization and polycondensation. Hence, based on workability, the optimized NaOH concentration is 14 M with binder contents of FA (50%) and GGBS (50%). This study helps to improve the microstructure and strength properties with potential cost implications of SCGC.

Open access

A Gáta–Wieselburg-kultúra temetője és kiemelkedő síregyüttesei Nagycenk-Farkasverem lelőhelyről

The cemetery of the Gáta–Wieselburg Culture and its remarkable graves from the site of Nagycenk-Farkasverem (Western Hungary)

Archaeologiai Értesítő
Eszter Melis
Bálint Savanyú
Tamás Hajdu
Anett Gémes
Katalin Gyenesei
, and
Attila Mrenka


Az M85 autóút nyomvonalának ásatásain 2017–2018-ban, Nagycenk határában a réz/bronztágyak mennyiségében és típusában is egyedülálló, újabb bronzkori temető került elő. A csontvázas temetkezések és mellékleteik a Nyugat-Magyarországon, Kelet-Ausztriában és Délnyugat-Szlovákiában elterjedt Gáta–Wieselburg-kultúrához köthetők (Rei. BA1–A2, Kr. e. 2200/2100–1600/1500). A jelen előzetes közleményben a harminckét síros nagycenk-farkasvermi temető három, kiemelkedő társadalmi helyzetű férfi temetkezését mutatjuk be. A radiokarbon adatok alapján, a magyarországi kora és középső bronzkor fordulójára (1σ valószínűséggel Kr. e. 2010–1780 közé) keltezhető sírok egy, gazdagságában és kapcsolatrendszerében, s talán technikai tudásában (fémborításos kőbuzogány) európai viszonylatban is jelentős közösségre utalnak a Fertő-tó vidékén, a közép-németországi, kora bronzkori „fejedelmi temetkezések” időszakában.

Open access


Nutritional information on packaging is becoming increasingly important in the food industry. Currently, labels are seen not only on the back of the packaging but also on the front. As there are many versions of front-of-pack labels (FoPLs), the research aims to determine which helps consumers the most in making decisions about which food to include in a healthier lifestyle. Nutri-Score, Guideline Daily Amount (GDA) and Multiple Traffic Lights (MTL) FoPLs on cereals were compared using eye-tracking (ET) and choice-based conjoint analysis (CBCA). CBCA was used to assess consumer preferences and the labels and products were also ranked. Based on the results, GDA type FoPL proved to be the most useful based on conjoint analysis, ranking and the analysis of ET parameters. This label helped participants the most in choosing the product that best fits into a healthier lifestyle. The Nutri-Score label, which offers little information on a product's nutritional content, was not favourably received by the Hungarian sample, who preferred more detailed FoP labels.

Open access

Mainland China's 2021 restrictions on under-18s' video game time were imposed when older 2019 restrictions already applied: Omitting the historical regulatory context is misleading

Commentary on: Compliance and alternative behaviors of heavy gamers in adolescents to Chinese online gaming restriction policy (Zhou et al., 2024)

Journal of Behavioral Addictions
Leon Y. Xiao


Investigating the impacts of addiction policymaking following implementation is important. Effective policies should be considered for emulation elsewhere, whilst ineffective policies should be repealed. Zhou et al. (2024) reported how Mainland Chinese under-18s responded to the 2021 restrictions on their online videogame playtime, which were intended to curb online gaming addiction. However, Zhou et al. failed to mention that Mainland China had previously tried to achieve the same regulatory aim by imposing rules in 2019 that were more lenient than the 2021 rules but nonetheless restricted under-18s' gameplay time. These 2019 restrictions were neither acknowledged as crucial background in the introduction section nor accounted for by Zhou et al. when interpreting their results, thus giving readers the incorrect impression that the 2021 rules were the first ones introduced and that under-18s' gameplay time was not restricted at all prior to 2021. Importantly, Zhou et al.’s entire sample of young people therefore consisted not merely of ‘heavy gamers’ as they euphemistically described them as, but ‘counterplayers’ who actively contravened the 2019 rules. The misleading omission of this context is a major limitation and misrepresentation. The results should be interpreted accordingly and not overgeneralised.

Open access