This paper aims to enhance the understanding of the influencing factors and consequences of feedback, with a particular focus on brand outputs and co-creation, and to identify future research areas related to feedback. First, we propose to clarify definitions by introducing actionable customer feedback and drawing clear distinctions among synonymic concepts used in the literature. Then, we conduct a systematic literature review of 73 journal articles from the past two decades and synthesize their findings in the feedback, brand, and co-creation intercept. We also introduce a structure for feedback-related antecedents, moderators, mediators, and performance outputs. As a main contribution, we offer a visual representation of the findings of the systematic literature review to support scholars of customer behavior who are discovering their own directions according to their expertise. Through the use of visual tools such as tables and figures, we provide summary statistics reflecting the methodologies used in the literature, the industries involved, the geographical spread, and adjacent theories used. We also summarize the different positions of feedback within conceptual frameworks. We contribute to the literature by proposing and visually demonstrating new grouping dimensions of the antecedents, mediators, moderators and performance outcomes of the feedback literature. Finally, we recommend directions for future research on actionable feedback. We recommend studying the mediating and moderating impacts of demographics, gender, environmental characteristics, geography (especially developing economies), and B2B businesses on actionable feedback. The roles of trust and feedback in brand outputs, for example, brand value and brand equity, requires further investigation. Finally, we recommend exploring constructs in which feedback plays multiple roles in different positions.
In this paper, we consider the asymptotic behaviour of the expectation of the number of vertices of a uniform random spherical disc-polygon. This provides a connection between the corresponding results in spherical convexity, and in Euclidean spindle-convexity, where the expectation tends to the same constant. We also extend the result to a more general case, where the random points generating the uniform random disc-polygon are chosen from spherical convex disc with smooth boundary.
Background and aims
The South Oaks Gambling Screen (SOGS) is a commonly used tool for screening potential gambling problems. The SOGS score has been found to be correlated with the DSM-5 criteria for Gambling Disorder (GD). However, one of its main limitations is the high rate of false positives. The objective of this study was to establish more accurate cutoff points for the SOGS based on the DSM-5 criteria and severity levels, taking into account sex-specific samples. Additionally, we aimed to validate these cutoff points using external measures.
The study sample comprised 4.516 patients (398 women and 4,118 men) who sought treatment for GD. Of these patients, 4.203 met the DSM-5 criteria for GD, while 313 did not meet the threshold for GD diagnosis.
The recommended cutoff value for the SOGS is eight for men (Sensitivity (Se): 82.9%, Specificity (Sp): 86.2%) and seven for women (Se: 85.6%, Sp: 77.4%). For moderate severity of GD, the cutoff points are nine for men (Se: 82.1%, Sp: 82.0%) and eight for women (Se: 86.3%, Sp: 73.3%), while for severe cases of GD, the cutoff point is ten for both sexes (Se: 83.0%, Sp: 56.7% for men; Se: 80.0%, Sp: 77.4% for women). These cutoff values are validated by evidence of worse psychopathological states, more dysfunctional personality traits, and risky behaviours commonly associated with GD.
Discussion and Conclusions
These findings support adjusting the reference values for the SOGS to eight in males and seven in females to enhance the classification of individuals potentially experiencing GD. The use of higher cutoff values has significant implications for clinical and research purposes, enabling a more precise assessment of the diagnosis and severity of GD.
There is a long-standing debate among scholars over the convergence versus divergence of the regional growth rate of per capita income in India. The present study tries to resolve this debate in light of the latest available data by using Beta-convergence analysis in a panel data framework. The results indicate the presence of unconditional divergence and conditional convergence in the case of both inter-state and inter-region analysis, which shows that the unconditional divergence may be due to the presence of omitted variable bias. The results also show that the primary sector is associated with the reduction of interstate and inter-region income inequality, while the growth of the tertiary sector is correlated with increasing interstate and inter-region income inequality. Therefore, the findings of the study imply that the phenomenon of service-led growth in the post-reform period was accompanied by the widening gap in the growth of various states and regions of India.
The relevance of the subject under study is conditioned by numerous technological problems of providing livestock enterprises of the Republic of Kazakhstan with quality equipment for animal feeding and the associated need to develop and implement dosers for the preparation of compound feed mixture. This study introduces an innovative approach through the development and analysis of a novel dosing auger with an active return channel, which distinguishes itself from existing models by enhancing the precision and efficiency of feed preparation processes. The purpose of this study was to investigate the key parameters of the dosing auger with an active return channel for its further use in agricultural enterprises for preparation of compound feed. The findings of this study emphasise the significance of compliance of current trends in the improvement of prepared feed with the established zootechnical requirements from the standpoint of optimising the technological equipment used in this process. The key aspects of feed dosing sequence when using volumetric and mass dosing methods were considered. The main advantages of auger-in-auger dosers that distinguish them from all other types of dosers were described.
Az okostelefon alkalmazásának hatása testnevelésórán
The effect of smartphone use in the physical education class
Háttér és célkitűzések: Jelen tanulmányban azt vizsgálták a szerzők, hogy a testnevelésórai okostelefon-használat hogyan hat a pszichomotoros teljesítményre, az észlelt motivációs környezetre, valamint a motivációra. Egy négyhetes időtartamú intervenciós program keretében használhattak okostelefont a tanulók testnevelésórán. A kutatás célja annak felmérése volt, hogy az okostelefon-alkalmazás milyen hatást gyakorol a teljesítményre és a motivációra. Módszer: A kutatásban középiskolás tanulók vettek részt (n = 85). 21 fiú (24,7%) és 64 lány (75,3%), az átlagéletkoruk 16,7 év volt. A kutatás során a tanulók egy 12 tanórás projektben vettek részt, ahol a kísérleti 1 csoport okostelefont használhatott, míg a kísérleti 2 csoportban nem volt eszközhasználatra lehetőség. A vizsgálat során 20 m-es ingafutás teszttel (pszichomotoros, állóképességi teszt) vizsgálták a kutatók a teljesítmény változását, az Észlelt Motivációs Környezet a Sportban (Perceived Motivational Climate in Sport Quiestionnaire-2/PMCSQ-2) kérdőívvel az észlelt motivációs környezet alakulását, míg a motiváció változását a Sport Motivációs Skálával (Sport Motivational Scale/SMS). Eredmények: Az eredmények azt mutatják, hogy abban a csoportban, ahol okostelefont használtak a tanulók, jelentősen javult a teljesítményük, a tanulók az intervenció során egyre nagyobb távokat teljesítettek a futások alkalmával, illetve egyre hosszabb időt is választottak. A tanulók feladatorientációja, valamint az intrinzik motivációja is növekedett. Az okostelefont nem használó csoportban is javult a teljesítmény az intervenció hatására, ugyanakkor az volt tapasztalható, hogy az Ego (én) orientáció növekedett, illetve nőtt a motivációhiány is a projekt végére. Következtetések: Az eredmények alapján elmondható, hogy a testnevelés tanításában pozitív hatása van az eszközhasználatnak, növeli a tanulók teljesítményét, valamint motivációjukat.
Cognitive ability is increasingly recognized as a significant factor influencing household portfolio decisions. However, different cognitive abilities, such as numeracy, fluency and recall, may yield different investment results. The aim of this paper is to empirically examine the associations of three cognitive abilities (numeracy, fluency and recall) with household portfolio composition using Survey of Health, Aging and Retirement (SHARE) data across 16 European countries and the multinomial logit model. Our empirical analyses focus on the impacts of differences in country characteristics, specifically the level of economic development and the existence of a national health system (NHS).
The results indicate that numeracy and fluency have positive impacts on the decision to hold safe and relatively risky assets, as well as fully diversified portfolios in developed countries, but have no significant effects in emerging countries. Additionally, all three cognitive abilities positively influence the decision to hold fully diversified portfolios in the countries with NHS, while no significant effects are observed in the countries without NHS.
Our findings reveal a decreased impact of cognitive abilities on portfolio types in the emerging countries and the non-NHS countries. Notably, a significant and positive correlation is found between the holding of no financial assets in both non-NHS countries and advanced countries. One important implication of this study is that marketing strategies of financial advisors should take into account household cognitive abilities, as well as differences in economic development among countries and the presence or absence of NHS.
We investigated the determinants of changes in agricultural technology in Vietnamese rice-growing households. The double-hurdle estimation developed in this study proved to be an efficient method for determining how and to what extent changes in agricultural technology had been influenced by various factors while also allowing correlation between farmers' choices. We found evidence of a persistent increase in the use of improved seeds and machinery. In contrast, the previous upward trend in the use of fertilisers and pesticides was recently reversed. Farmers' decisions to adopt and use these four agricultural technologies are highly correlated with farm size, input and output prices, and macroeconomic conditions. Our findings also confirm a simultaneous relationship between the decisions to apply agricultural practices. When promoting new agricultural technologies, follow-up policy interventions should account for these characteristics of individual smallholders' decisions.
This paper attempts to identify the determinants of foreign direct investment (FDI), focusing especially on terrorism and keeping in mind that FDI is one of the key economic growth engines. The main goal of this paper was to determine the correlation between terrorism and investment activities. The method used is a dynamic panel data model (System 2 step-GMM estimator), based on a sample covering a total of 36 OECD economies in the period from 2005 to 2018. The findings indicate that terrorist incidents and economic, institutional, and natural variables have different impacts on FDI in the OECD Member countries. The research found a statistically significant impact of terrorist incidents and natural disasters and a strong impact of economic and institutional variables.
Előkelő hun kori temetkezés Budapestről, egy késő római erődfal árnyékából
Biorégészeti adatok a Kárpát-medence hun megszállásának korai szakaszához
Hun Period Elite Burial from Budapest, in the shadow of a Late Roman fort wall: Bioarchaeological Data on the Early Phase of Hun Occupation in the Carpathian Basin
A dolgozat témája a 2020 nyarán talált, az aquincumi legiotáborral átellenben fekvő, Rákos-pataki római kori erőd déli falának előterében eltemetett, kora népvándorlás korra keltezhető két temetkezés. Az erőd déli fala és az erődöt övező védőárok között elhelyezkedő sírokat egymás alá, egy korábbi, félig feltöltődött, római kori gödörbe ásták bele. A felső sír egy ÉNy–DK-i tájolású, melléklet nélküli férfit rejtett, ezzel ellentétben az alsó, É–D-i irányítású harcos férfi sírja több szállal kapcsolódik mind a sztyeppei, mind a többi Kárpát-medencei hun korra keltezhető sírhoz. A rétegtani megfigyelések mellett a csontanyagon végzett 14C vizsgálatok eredményei is alátámasztják a két váz összetartozását. Feltételezhető, hogy a harcos az újonnan beköltöző, Kelet-Európából érkező népességhez, a hun ellenőrzést és befolyást gyakorló elit tagjaihoz tartozhatott, azonban a provinciális eredetű szokások utalhatnak a rómaiakkal kapcsolatban álló foederati csoportokra is. Emellett közelebbi genetikai rokonságot mutat a kaukázusi népességekkel, így felmerül a kérdés, hogy az alánoktól vagy a hozzájuk genetikailag kapcsolódó népektől származott-e.