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Studies over the past three decades have shown the alignment between teachers' conceptions and approaches to teaching. However, little attention has been given to exploring skill-oriented teaching conceptions and approaches, such as problem-solving (PS). Although teachers' views, beliefs, and understanding of problem-solving have been studied to a certain extent, there has not been a common conceptual ground to study the conceptions of teaching problem-solving in a wider and multidisciplinary context. Therefore, this review article aims to assemble and provide conceptual clarity to the elements teaching problem-solving might constitute to create the foundation for future study. Positing that the way teachers conceive ‘problem’ in instruction, the process of problem-solving, and their role inform the approaches they take to teach PS, this paper provides conceptual grounding and reasoning of each element. To conclude, the paper might be a valuable resource for scholars starting to examine the same topic, as it provides overviews of seminal papers and essential insights into the topic, demonstrating the importance of studying conceptions of teaching problem-solving.

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Acta Microbiologica et Immunologica Hungarica
José Antonio Mandujano-Hernández
José Vázquez-Villanueva
Erick de Jesús De Luna-Santillana
Gildardo Rivera
Virgilio Bocanegra-García
, and
Ana Verónica Martínez-Vázquez


Antibiotic resistance constitutes a significant public health challenge, with diverse reservoirs of resistant bacteria playing pivotal roles in their dissemination. Among these reservoirs, pets are carrying antibiotic-resistant strains. The objective of this study was to assess the resistance profiles of Escherichia coli, and the prevalence of extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL) producing E. coli strains in dogs and cats from Tamaulipas, Mexico. A total of 300 stool samples (150 dogs and 150 cats) from healthy pets were subjected to analysis. Antibiotic susceptibility testing and the identification of ESBLs were carried out by disc diffusion method. The presence of resistance genes, class 1, 2, and 3 integrons (intI1, intI2, and intI3) and phylogroups was determined by PCR analysis. The findings reveal that 42.6% (128/300) of the strains exhibited resistance to at least one of the eight antibiotics assessed, and 18.6% (56/300) demonstrated multidrug resistance (MDR), that distributed across 69 distinct resistance patterns. Altogether 2.6% of E. coli strains (8/300) were confirmed as TEM and CTX-M type ESBL producers. These outcomes underscore the roles of dogs and cats in Tamaulipas as reservoirs for the dissemination of MDR and/or ESBL strains. The results underscore the necessity for conducting prevalence studies on ESBL-producing E. coli, forming a foundation for comprehending the present scenario and formulating strategies for the control and mitigation of this issue.

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The Brāhmī leaf in Sanskrit and Uigur (TT VIII H) from the Berlin Turfan collection, edited by A. von Gabain in 1954, suggests an Indian origin, although this cannot be definitively proven in its current form. The fragment appears to be a commentary on the Agraprajñaptisūtra, the sūtra that declares the triratna (Buddha, Dharma, Saṃgha) as the best. The preserved part is about the question of its origin or occasion (utpatti). The present new edition includes an introduction on the Agraprajñaptisūtra (I), the text, translation, and comments (III), along with the description of the leaf, characteristic usage of the Uigur Brāhmī script and thoughts on dating (II) and three Appendices (IV) on the Agraprajñaptisūtra, the *Ekāgrasūtra in Uigur sources, and the interpretation of etadagrikeṣu vyākr̥teṣu. Additionally, three glossaries (V) (Sanskrit – English – Uigur; Uigur – English – Sanskrit; Uigur – English), abbreviations and bibliography (VI) and plates (VII) are provided.

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Jin Ping Mei 金瓶梅 details the legal activities in Ming society with exceptional vividness. In other pre modern Chinese literary narratives, the ending usually featured poetic justice. However, Jin Ping Mei is a novel with unique realism in Chinese fiction in that it does not have a happy ending. More importantly, the novel depicts the normal condition and rationale of life based on guanxi 关系, an informal institution that was ubiquitous in Chinese society. Guanxi is a concrete embodiment of métis in the novel. This article sets out to demonstrate the métis in Jin Ping Mei through the analysis of guanxi in two cases. It argues that Jin Ping Mei depicts guanxi as the rationale of legal activities. Through guanxi, which is achieved through the manipulation of li 禮, ganqing 感情, renqing 人情, and mianzi 面子, gifts, banquets, and intermediaries, the culprits can easily find their way out of the unfavorable condition. The blend of rationality and emotion which is embodied in guanxi is the cultural root of the manipulation in the legal activities. The narrative of legal activities in Jin Ping Mei focuses on the métis based on guanxi in microlevel society and thus achieves unprecedented realism in premodern Chinese fiction narrative.

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Background and aims

The aim of the present study was to estimate the complex association between Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD), substance use, and other risky behaviours in Czech adolescents whilst providing prevalence estimates of IGD and psychometric information regarding the Czech Internet Gaming Disorder Scale–Short-Form (IGDS9-SF).


A representative sample of 3,950 Czech adolescents was recruited through stratified random sampling in the school setting.


Disordered gamers showed frequent use of specific substances such as pharmaceuticals, methylenedioxymethamphetamine, and lysergic acid diethylamide. In contrast, non-gamers had higher prevalence of alcohol, cigarettes, sedatives and tranquillisers, and marijuana use. A logistic regression, utilising IGDS9-SF raw scores and average daily gaming time, revealed a U-shaped relationship between gaming and both alcohol and cigarette use. Additionally, conduct problems such as bullying, and risky in-game behaviours were more prevalent among disordered gamers, with the exception of forging parents' signatures. The overall prevalence of IGD was 3.62% (95% CI = [3.1%, 4.3%]), with higher rates in males (5.89%; 95% CI = [4.9%, 7.0%]) than in females (1.45%; 95% CI = [1.0%, 2.1%]).

Discussion and conclusions

The Czech IGDS9-SF used in the present study showed adequate psychometric properties. The association between gaming and substance use behaviours may be specific and multifaceted depending on the severity of the gaming-related problems. Furthermore, disordered gamers may become more vulnerable due to a higher incidence of conduct problems, bullying (victimisation), and in-game risky behaviours such as engagement with microtransactions mechanics (e.g., loot box) within video games.

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The paper has a dual purpose, one historical and one theoretical. It aims to show, first, that Plotinus' notion of perceptual memory heavily draws on Stoic views insofar as both regard memory as a linguistic phenomenon. Furthermore, it aims to answer two questions, both are intimately connected to the Plotinian thesis of the impassibility of the soul. How could it happen that a present tense perceptual judgment changes into a past tense memory judgment and what explains that our judgments on perceived objects change, and occasionally fade, over time, that is, how can we remember in a way different from sense-perception?

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Jelen tanulmány összefoglalja és értékeli a Régi Zeneakadémiával foglalkozó szakirodalmi kutatás korábbi eredményeit; elsődleges források alapján rekonstruálja az épület 19. századi építéstörténetét, különös tekintettel a belső terek kialakítására és átalakítására (1881, 1883); foglalkozik a 20. századi történetével, tárgyalva a külső és belső átalakításokat, funkcióváltást és helyreállításának főbb szakaszait és eredményeit az 1903-tól 1986-ig tartó időszakban.

Az Andrássy úton a korabeli műcsarnokkal és a mintarajztanoda épületével egy csoportozatot képező Régi Zeneakadémia terveit Lang Adolf készítette, az építést Wechselmann Ignác építési vállalkozó hajtotta végre. 1879-ben adták át az épületet, amely 1907-ig a hazai zenei oktatás kiemelt helyszíne, Liszt Ferenc, Erkel Ferenc és Stróbl Alajos élete egy rövidebb szakaszának színtere volt. A Régi Zeneakadémia, ellentétben a tömböt alkotó két másikkal, kevésbé kutatott és publikált. Építéstörténetében vannak azonban olyan epizódok (meg nem valósult tervek, események), amelyek az építészeti értékein túl, még történelmi értékekkel is felruházzák. Az épület másfél évszázados története során több külső és belső átalakításon is átesett. A külső átalakítások eredményét ma is látjuk. Az 1980-as évek elején, az 1986-os átadásig, az addig különböző funkcióknak eleget tévő épület belső átalakításának és eredeti funkciójának visszaállítása volt a cél. Mivel nem állnak rendelkezésre eredeti tervek, ezért a főfalak szolgáltak információkkal, az eredeti állapot nehezen rekonstruálható. Az 1980-as évek visszaállító, nagyrekonstrukciós munkálatai mellett még két ismert múlt századi átalakítása volt az épületnek, 1907–1909-ben és 1957-ben. 1903-ban vette meg a Régi Zeneakadémiát Wodianer Arthur, aki az 1907. és 1909. évben kért engedélyt átalakításra. 1957-ben, már a Tannimpex külkereskedelmi vállalat tulajdonában álló épület hangversenytermét kettéosztották (új acélgerendákon nyugvó osztófödém került az első és második emelet közé), a nagyobb termeket kisebb helyiségekre osztották, ekkor épülhetett a lift, a lépcsőház eredeti nyílászárói rovására üvegtégla falat alakítottak ki. Az 1957-es átalakítás eredményéről az 1970-es években készült (Tannimpex tulajdonában) levő felmérési rajzok tanúskodnak. Az 1983-as felújítás során elbontották a másodlagosan épített válaszfalakat, a hangversenyteremben lévő osztófödémet, a nagyterem (mai Kutatókönyvtár) díszítőfestését, a hangversenyteremben a mennyezetet és az eredeti boltozatokat rekonstruálták (az azokat takaró másodlagos szerkezeteket, festést megszüntették), a homlokzati nyílászárókat felújították (a munkák összefoglalása a teljesség igénye nélkül). 1986-tól az épület újra oktatási intézményként működik, a mai napig.

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The use of antibiotics in agriculture and subsequent environmental pollution are associated with the emergence and spread of multidrug-resistant (MDR) bacteria including Escherichia coli. The aim of this study was to detect antimicrobial resistance, resistance genes and mobile genetic elements of 72 E. coli strains isolated from faeces of healthy farm animals. Disk diffusion test showed resistance to ampicillin (59.7%), tetracycline (48.6%), chloramphenicol (16.7%), cefoperazone and ceftriaxone (13.9%), cefepime and aztreonam (12.5%), norfloxacin and ciprofloxacin (8.3%), levofloxacin (6.9%), gentamicin and amikacin (2.8%) among the studied strains. Antibiotic resistance genes (ARGs) were detected by polymerase chain reaction: the prevalence of bla TEM was the highest (59.7% of all strains), followed by tetA (30.6%), bla CTX-M (11.1%), catA1 (9.7%), less than 5% strains contained bla SHV, cmlA, floR, qnrB, qnrS, tetM. 26.4% of E. coli strains had a MDR phenotype. MDR E. coli more often contained class 1 integrons, bacteriophages, conjugative F-like plasmids, than non-MDR strains. ARGs were successfully transferred from faecal E. coli strains into the E. coli Nissle 1917 N4i strain by conjugation. Conjugation frequencies varied from (1.0 ± 0.1) * 10−5 to (7.9 ± 2.6) * 10−4 per recipient. Monitoring mobile genetic elements of E. coli for antibiotic resistance is important for farm animal health, as well as for public health and food safety.

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Néhány gondolat az avar kori fülkesírok értelmezéséhez

Some thoughts on the interpretation of the graves with an end-wall shaft

Archaeologiai Értesítő
Bence Gulyás

A fülkesírok eredete már régóta megoldatlan kérdése az avar kor kutatásának. Jelen tanulmányban új szempontokat kívánunk nyújtani a sírforma értelmezéséhez. Ehhez belső- és közép-ázsiai, valamint kelet-európai analógiákat mutatunk be. Ezek a kora avar kori sírokhoz képest jóval korábbiak, néhány esetben egykorúak. A padmalyos sírokkal való együttes előfordulásuk alapján a két típus valószínűleg egymás formai variánsaként értelmezhetők.

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This paper addresses several important aspects of the historical spread of the Huayan and Chan Buddhist teachings in the Tangut state, and traces local developments of Chan and Huayan thought among the Tang-uts. These developments, as they emerge from the received texts, indicate not only local developments in Xixia, but also provide broader implications for the study of Sinitic Buddhism in Northern China and Central Asia during 11th–13th centuries. The core of the paper concerns Tangut Huayan commentaries, the Huayan lineage composed by Yixing Huijue, Tangut recensions of texts authored by Guifeng Zongmi and the Tangut texts of Hongzhou Chan Buddhism.

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